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Ladybug met Cat Noir at their usual spot before patrol. "Hello M'lady," Cat Noir said. "So it's not just me right?" Ladybug asks and Cat Noir nodded. "Yeah why does Hawkmoth want with those random kids?" Cat Noir asks. "We need to be careful if Hawkmoth wants them it's for nothing good," Ladybug said. "Maybe he thinks they know about the miraculous," Cat Noir suggests. Ladybug nodded in thought. "I know we aren't supposed to talk about our kwami's, but mine said she feels something different about them," Ladybug said. "Mines mostly lazy, but yeah your right he did mention something about trying to steal the blondes bracelet, but he does like shiny stuff so I didn't think much of it," Cat Noir said. "Maybe it's a miraculous," Ladybug said. "If it was a miraculous then he would have felt faint holding two miraculous at once even if they both weren't active. He was perfectly fine," Cat Noir said. "I think we should try and found out more about them. Who they are, where they come from, and how they met each other," Ladybug said. Cat Noir nodded before saying something. "Ladybug I think they are used to it," Cat Noir said. "What do you mean?" Ladybug asks. "Used to danger, used to being in situations where they could die, used to fighting," Cat Noir explains to her. "What makes you think that?" Ladybug asks. "They weren't in awe at being handed a miraculous. They don't just fight they think things threw. They aren't rookies," Cat Noir said. Ladybug nodded in agreement. "Fuego and Hielo it's Kai and Zane isn't it?" Ladybug asks. "Yeah," Cat Noir admits. "You know what Fuego and Hielo mean in a different Spanish?" Ladybug asks. "What?" Cat Noir asks. "Fire and ice the exact elements they shot when defeating tremor," Ladybug answers.

Next Day

The ninja were super tired because they had gotten no sleep last night rounding up criminals and doing late night interviews not that the people of Paris knew any of that. Right now they were all watching a documentary on how a whales migrations work. Jay, Cole, and Kai had fallen asleep, Nya and Lloyd were close to it, and even Zane was finding it hard to stay awake constantly trying to keep awake.

Plag looked out from Adrien's book bag and Tikki looked out from Marionette's purse. She saw Plag stealthily sneak over to Lloyd who had just closed his eyes drifting off to sleep. Tikki was shaking her head at him, but Plag just slipped the bracelet off Lloyd's wrist then flew away with it and in Adrien's book bag noticed by no one. Tikki face palmed at the cat kwami.

"Jay, Cole, Kai, and Lloyd wake up!" The teacher yells at the four. Jay bolted up and in his surprise zapped the others awake too. He also accidentally zapped Zane who started twitching and he felt something going wrong. "M-May I be e-e-e-excused?" Zane stutters badly eyes closed so the class would not see his eyes flashing. "Yes are you alright Mr. Julien?" The teacher asks. Zane did not answer getting up from his seat to try and make it somewhere private before he gave away who he really was. He saw a warning sign flash in his vision.

"Warning your camo mode is about to fail system shut down or it will shut down. Zane I suggest you should shut down or else everyone is going to see your a nindroid," Pixal said in his head. With no other choice Zane shut down collapsing against the ground with a thunk that sounded metallic, but the class waved it off choosing instead to go help their classmate. "Everyone stay back," The teacher warns. Rushing to Zane. The ninja tried getting to him, but the teacher kept them back. She put a finger on his neck frowning. "I don't feel a pulse and he feels cold," she said and some students get a bad feeling while the ninja are freaking out. "He's fine just call his guardian," Lloyd said. "No I'm calling a ambulance," The teacher said whipping out her phone. Marionette and Adrien felt useless they are heroes they should do something. Alya put her phone screen in front of Zane's nose when it didn't fog up she said. "He's not breathing," That sent the class into a panic while the ninja just continued trying to get to Zane. "Oh my god he's dead!" Lila screams and everyone became more panicked. Cole pushed past them and picked Zane up bridal style with ease and ran out the classroom with him.

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