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After English Chloe gave Kai her number and they agreed to work on the project after school in the library. They headed off to their next class science with the ninja snickering. "Please trade partners with me." Kai pleads with them. "Heck no I'm not dealing with her." Nya said and Kai groaned. "Come on hothead I thought you liked flirting with girls." Cole said. "I am more mature now. Besides she doesn't seem like the nicest person." Kai said. "And Skylor would punch your lights out if she found out." Jay said. "That too." Kai adds with a smile. "Tell her your unavailable." Lloyd said. "I did she ignored me." Kai said. "Hey if you like I can always zap her." Jay offers before being shushed by the others. "What part of low profile don't you get? We can't use our powers Wu said so." Lloyd chides in a whisper. "Just because he sent us here for the rest of the year doesn't mean we can't have a bit of fun. Besides I was joking." Jay said. "Well be more careful if people here found out it would not help." Zane said.

As they continued on into the chem lab they once again got partnered up and Jay got put with a girl with tanned skin and glasses. "So you're good at building things?" She asked. "Yep I like to its fun what's your name?" Jay asked the girl. "I'm Alya I saw you talking to Kai and Nya did you already know them?" Alya asks suspiciously. "Uh yeah Nya's actually my girlfriend." Jay said. "What did her brother think about it?" Alya asks. "He lets Nya make thoughs calls but still gives people a glare if they flirt with her. But it means I don't need to worry about people flirting with her." Jay said and Alya laughs a bit.

Cole was paired with Marionette who seemed rather distracted while they were writing notes. "Earth to Marionette?" Cole said waving a hand infront of the girl who jumps up suddenly. "Hmm? What's wrong?" She asked looking around. "What were you staring at?" Cole asks as he follows her gaze to the boy Adrien. "You like him?" Cole asked and Marionette turned a deep shade of red. "No not at all it's fine let's just work." Marionette said scribbling stuff in her notebook. Cole sighs being reminded of how Jay used to act around Nya.

Adrien meanwhile was enjoying a good conversation with Lloyd who had no clue on what they were doing. "This is review from last year did you skip a year?" Adrien asks jokingly. "I was busy with stuff." Lloyd replies sheepishly. "Here you can copy my notes and review them later." Adrien said handing a grateful Lloyd his note book.

Suddenly the room smelled like smoke and the class turns to see the book case had caught fire. Most of them panic but the Zane grabbed a fire extinguisher and put it out before it could spread any further getting some of the white stuff on Chloe. "How dare you ruin my outfit! My father will hear about this." Chloe huffed even though he probably just saved the school from burning down. "Thank you that was smart thinking Zane. We shall continue this tomorrow once we figure out how the bookcase caught fire in the first place." The teacher said as everyone exited the room.

"Guess I should be more careful when play with the equipment." Plagg said from inside Adrien's book bag. "Plagg! What have I said about coming out during school? Someone could have seen you." Adrien chides his cat kwami. "Yeah yeah I never listened to anyone before why start now." Plagg said with a eye roll.

"I'm telling you I didn't do it." A voice from behind the corner said. Since he had twenty minutes and time to kill before his next class he stealthily looked around the corner to see the group of new kids surrounding the red one Kai Adrien remembers. "Then how did the case catch fire?" Nya asks accusingly. "I don't know maybe there was some faulty equipment." Kai defends himself. "That's a nice excuse Kai Wu's going to be hearing about this." Lloyd said and Kai stomps his foot. "I didn't do it!" He yells at them walking off. "Why do you think he set the case on fire?" Adrien said coming out from behind his hiding place. They all look startled clearly not seeing him there. "He was close by it just makes sense." Cole said quickly. "Well he didn't do it. I asked the teacher after everyone had left someone left a gas tank next to the heater and it caught fire." Adrien said telling half the truth. The kids all look guilty at one another. "I would go apologize before he gets akumatized." Adrien said. "What's that?" Zane asks. "There's this bad guy who uses his power to feed off the negative emotions of others. He sends a akuma after them and then they're under his complete control." Adrien explains. They all look worried and run off after Kai and Adrien gives Plagg a glare as he shrugs innocently.

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