Secrets Don't Stay Secret

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Classes were boring that day and some students wished to just leave and punch some bad guys. As the day progresses Adrien and Marionette kept close eyes on the six students. Alya though had a much more direct approach unaware of her best friend watching the six.

"Where are you from exactly?"

"Why do you guys always look tired?"

"What doctor did you go to for official diagnosis of your allergy?"

Are the many questions asked by Alya and it was clear they were getting a little sick of them.

Later that day after school Alya was talking to Marionette about it. "Come on girl. As much as I think they are all awesome we barely know anything about them. Strange things happen with them and haven't you noticed they've been the main target of Hawkmoth lately?" Alya said as she looked through the recent footage of akumatized villains on her computer. "Yeah, but maybe it's just a coincidence," Marionette said. Alya just gave a hum to show she did not hear Marionette at all.

Lila was also curious as to who exactly these students were. So after school she waited around during the fencing practice. Kai was there as usual with Adrien fencing as they challenged themselves to the fullest. Kai won this match and smiles when the coach announces that practice was over.

"Your getting better Adrien," Kai said to the boy as they left to change out of their fencing gear. "Thanks, but remembered tomorrow I'm gonna win," Adrien said with confidence. "Keep telling yourself that mister model," Kai responds cocky. "Hey Kai! Hurry up Wu gave us the night off and I want to make it count," Lloyd yelled from his place waiting at the side. "Coming greenie," Kai said grabbing his school bag and waving bye to Adrien. Lila follows Kai and Lloyd as they turned around the corner and into a alley. It was dark and damp, but the two made sure that nobody was around and they thought no one was around. Lila got out her phone and pressed record as Lloyd got out a crystal. Too Lila's shock a blew swirling portal opens and the two step through seemingly disappearing. "I got to tell Hawkmoth," Lila said.


Hawkmoth was in a glee. He finally knew what was so special about those brats. They were not from this realm they were from somewhere else entirely. "You did very well Lila," Hawkmoth said to the girl standing off to the corner. Lila smiles proud with herself. "But we do not know who they are in that realm. They could be anybody," Lila said. Hawkmoth thought for a moment and came up with a plan, but it had a risk he was not willing to take. He then looked at Lila and a new plan forms. "True, but I have the perfect plan," Hawkmoth said with a plan very well in mind.

The next day at school

Marionette was waking down the school hallway. It was a nice day and so far pretty calming, but of course it did not stay that way. She accidentally bumped into Jay. "Sorry Jay," Marionette said. He looked at her and Marionette notes that his eyes seemed darker scarier. "Get out of my way you useless girl," Jay said in a manner definitely not Jay. Marionette was worried like really worried. "Jay are you okay?" Marionette asks. "Mind your own business," Jay snaps and walked off. Marionette was confused. "Maybe he's not feeling well?" Tiki said. Marionette was confused, but listened to Tiki and headed to her locker to get her stuff for the next class that was going to start soon. She walked by the janitors closet and she heard muffled screams. She listened and heard it, so she picked the lock opening it to find Jay falling out with a rag in his mouth and rope tied around his wrists.

Marionette quickly untied him and he got up. "Did you see another me?!" He asks so quickly Marionette blinked for a moment shocked. "Yes what happened?" Marionette asks. "No time," Jay ran and Marionette felt the urge to follow. She followed him in time for him to get to the bathroom and suddenly there was screaming.

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