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"Where is he? He should be back by now." Nya said chewing on her thumb nail as she paces the deck of the bounty. The boys had started playing a card game and weren't really worried. "He's a ninja Nya he can handle anything especially a teenager with probably fake blond hair." Cole said as he frowns at his cards. "He said he would be back at 6:00 it's 7:00. And he's not answering his phone." Nya said staring at the clock on her wrist. "It is no secret Kai is bad with time and technology." Zane said trying and failing to calm down a ansty water ninja before she blows up the bathroom. "Here I'll go get him my cards are bad anyway." Jay said getting up. "Me too Zane always wins this game." Lloyd said as he folds. They both get up and grab the realm crystal as a blue swirling portal opens up and Jay and Lloyd go through it. It closes and Nya goes back to her pacing. After half a hour they get a call from Lloyd suprisingly you could call and text in both worlds without any problem. Nya answers it after the first ring and puts it on speaker mode. "Nya there's a problem." Lloyd said and Nya drops the phone.


"Girl we really need to get you a new hairstyle." Alya said as Marionette does her hair. They had decided to hang out after school to do homework together but it quickly became them chatting about teenage girl stuff. They were also going to have a sleepover maybe order some pizza. "Maybe I do like Nya's look do you think I could make it work?" Marionette asks. "Totally girl just maybe a little longer." Alya said and Marionette hummed thoughtfully. Suddenly Alya's phone rings and she looks at the caller I.D. it was Nino. She answers it and puts it up to her ear. "Hey babe why you calling?" Alya asks. Marionette could hear the panic on the other side of the line and Alya doesn't understand him. "Slow down slow down. Back up what fire?" Alya asks. Alya listens and her face goes pale as she looks speechless.

"No I don't know where she lives. I'll be right there." Alya said hanging up and getting up. "Wait what's wrong?" Marionette asks Alya. "There was a fire at the hotel my sisters are in hospital with Kai." Alya said. "I'm coming too." Marionette said and Alya has a grateful look on her face. They go down states and explains the situation to Marionette's mother she agrees to take them straight away and within the hour they come into the waiting room. It was clean and white with chairs, scattered toys and a T.V playing the news in the background. They find Nino, Adrien, Alya's mother, her father, and her older sister Nora. They all get up happily and Alya gives her parents a hug. "What happened? Are the twins okay?" Marionette's mom asked. "There was a fire the dining hall was completely destroyed. Kai ran in and barely managed to get the twins out safely." Adrien explains. "Where are they?" Marionette asked. "The twins are having a checkup since they enhaled a bit of smoke and getting some minor burns treated. But Kai needs a blood transfusion and they can't find a match for him and his temperature is through the roof." Nino explains with a sigh. "We all got our blood tested but none of us are a match. I'd do anything to help the one who saved my little sisters." Nora said for once feeling like she couldn't do anything. "What about his sister? Where's she?" Alya asked.

"We've tried but we can't get a hold of her or any of his friends." Alya's father replied. "What about his parents?" Marionette's mom asked. "They disappeared when he was seven." Adrien said and the three parents in the room gasped. "I'll go outside maybe I can find a better reception or something." Marionette said. "They better find her soon or he's not making it." Alya's mother said sullenly. Marionette runs out of the waiting room and turns the corner opening her purse as Tiki flew out. "This is terrible we need to find her." Tiki said close to tears. "I know Tiki spots on." Marionette said as she transforms into ladybug.

She uses her yo-yo and starts swinging through the city keeping a close eye out for Nya or any of his friends. She goes to the hotel that still had firefighters putting out what was left of the fire. It was dark out but Marionette saw a eary blue flash of light and goes to check it out. She swings down and finds Nya, Cole, Zane, Lloyd, Jay, and a old man with a odd hat, bamboos staff and a long beard. Since she's ladybug they can't recognize her and they're startled by her sudden appearance but she doesn't care she needs them. "Your Kai Smith's family right?" Ladybug asked and they're eyes go wide and they eagerly nod. "What's happened? Where is he?" The old man asked. "He's at the hospital but right now are any of you a blood match?" Ladybug asks them. "I am." Nya said putting her hand up. "Why?" Zane asks. "He's lost a lot of blood and I need you to come with me if he's going to live." Ladybug said pointing to Nya. She's frightened and without giving the others a glance grabs Ladybug's hand and squeezes it tight. "Take me to him." She commanded. With a glance at the boys Ladybug swings across the skyline and arrives at the hospital with the girl.

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