Martial Arts

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(This was asked for so I hope you like it)

Kai and Zane told Wu about their whole power mishap and what really happened at the sleep over. To their surprise Wu did not even punish them.

"You are ninja you helped when needed. Besides it is okay if this realms heroes know of your powers. Just don't go telling them let them figure it out on their own. Though if you are ever needed and have no choice I allow you to use your powers and I agree that this should be kept between us," Master Wu said and the two let out a breath of relief at not being in trouble for openly using their powers.


The whole grade was talking and chatting about random stuff at the soccer field where they were waiting for their substitute teacher for their P.E. "How long till this teacher gets here?" Chloe asks bored. "I already am here," A voice said from behind her and everyone jumps seeing a old man with a long beard and bamboo staff.

"Hey aren't you Zane, Kai and Nya's guardian?" Alya asks. "Yes I am Wu and you will all call me master Wu. Today I will teach you martial arts of the ninja," Master Wu explains walking to the front of the group. "How did you get this job?" Jay asks bluntly. "A Master never revels their secrets," Master Wu said with a mischievous child like smile. He got to the front of the class. "I am going to be teaching this to you for the month or less any questions?," Master Wu asks. A few hands went up and he pointed to Chloe first. "What's with the get up? That went out of style fifty years ago at least," Chloe comments. Wu walked over to her and smacked her on the head none to roughly with his staff. "OW!" She exclaims rubbing her head. "Did anyone teach you to respect your elders?" Master Wu asks walking back to the front of the class. Chloe ranted about how she was going to get him for that, but everyone tuned her out.

"Does he do that often?" Nino asks whispering to Zane. "He says it helps build reflex," Zane shrugs. Wu pointed to Adrien who had his hand up. "Why did you say a month or less?" "Well my teachings can cause complaints, but I have had many successful students. I will be teaching basic self-defence since the school believes it to be a good idea for anyone who is attacked super villain or not," Master Wu said. He walked off and opened a bag that no one realized was there and pulled out a gong. "Now five laps!" Master Wu rang the gong and everyone got to running.

After five laps

After some laps and most of the students out of breath Wu stood on a mat that he set up. "Good now that you are warmed up I would like a volunteer," Master Wu said looking among the students. His eyes landed on Ivan. "The boy with the skull on his shirt come here," Ivan came on the mat looking a little shy. "Okay now I want you to come at me and not hold back," Wu said. "You sure? I don't want to hurt you," Ivan said. Wu smiles. "It is honourable to hesitate when hurting someone who is not threatening you, but I will be fine," Wu said. Ivan shrugged and tried punching Wu only for Wu to grab his arm and twist it knocking him onto his back. "Ow!" Ivan yelled. "It will go away in a moment," Wu said. "That is a example of what you can achieve. Now Cole and Jay I want you two to fight using basic self defence do not get carried away," Master Wu said. The two got on the mat and grabbed two bamboo staffs. They bowed then Wu rang the gong and they charged.

Almost everyone thought it would be quick and Cole would win since he was clearly stronger and in the words of Lila or Chloe Jay was a 'twig'. Just as Cole swung Jay used his nimble figure to dodge around it. Cole tried swinging low, but Jay expected it and jumped over the staff. They collided their staffs and Cole used all his strength in pushing Jay back. Jay used that to his advantage though and moved out of the way to the side making Cole stumble back and Jay tripped him. Cole fell on his stomach and when he turned to get back up Jay held the staff near his throat. It was clear who the winner was.

"Good performance can anyone name what caused Jay to win the match even though Cole had a bigger body?" Master Wu asks. Marionette put her hand up and Wu nodded to her. "He used Cole's strength as a weakness instead of a advantage," she answers. "Very good now I want you all to do some simple stretches and movements while I have tea," Wu sat down and started drinking tea. Everyone had a weirded out look.

Where the heck did the tea come from?

Later that night

Cat Noir met Ladybug at their usual spot for patrol. He could tell she had something to talk about from her atmosphere and face.

"Who did you give the Phoenix and Falcon miraculous too? Master Fu won't tell me anything," She asks. "Why does it matter? You don't tell me Rena rouge, Viper, or Carapace's identity's. Why can't I know the identity of a hero and you don't?" Cat Noir asks. "Because they knew too much about Tremor. They knew about his weakness, they were clearly skilled this was not their first battle, and they used powers that the miraculous could not do. I need to know so we can watch them," Ladybug said. Cat Noir's eyes widened in realization. "You think the people I chose work for Hawkmoth don't you," Cat Noir asks. Ladybug didn't try to deny it. "They were just too skilled and calm about everything. I need to know," Ladybug said. "You just don't trust my judgement do you?" Cat Noir asks. "No I do," Ladybug assures. "Then you don't need to know," Cat Noir said and then jumped away end of conversation.

Next Day

At P.E Jay left to have a quick bathroom break after winning a sparring match against Nya. The two were fairly evenly skilled, but a lucky trip got him the win. When he came out he found Lila at the entrance. The two were just out of sight from the others and Jay really did not want to listen to her.

"What do you want Lier?" Jay asks. "It's Lila," Lila corrects. "I don't see the difference," Jay responds. "Well I just want to congratulate you for those wins. The one yesterday and today," Lila said in a sweet voice. "Okay I guess," Jay said. "It almost looked real," She adds. Jay got defensive. "It was real," Jay defends and Lila laughs. "A twig like you against someone like him? Or your little girlfriend? They must be good actors to let you win," Lila said. "They didn't let me. I beat them fair and square," Jay said. "They are your closest friends they must have not want to embarrass you in front of the entire grade," Lila said. Jay clenches his fists. "I won they didn't let me," he grits out. Lila shrugs. "If you say so, but everyone knows they let you win," Lila said before walking off. Jay left down the hall. "I won fair and square no one let me win," Jay breaths.


"Awww a sense to be strong to prove that they win. Fly away my akuma and evilize him," Hawkmoth said as the akuma flew away.


Jay was really annoyed and angry. "He didn't let me win," Jay said. He sighed and pulled out a music box. It was something his parents gave him to use whenever he got upset at something.

"Just put the pieces back together and focus on something else,"

Jay took it apart and started putting it back together trying to see if he could make a different tune. His anger melted as he focused enough that he didn't notice the evil butterfly.


"Ugh his anger is retreating!" Hawkmoth grumbles. "No matter I will find someone new. Plus the seeds of doubt have been planted a little push is all I need for his turn," Hawkmoth said a scheme in his mind forming.

(Short I know, but meh)

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