Mistaken idenity

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After a long night of stopping robberies and pirates (don't ask) the ninja collapse in front of the tv for movie night. Nya and Jay shared the couch, Cole got the bean bag, Zane got the chair, Kai and Lloyd sat on the floor in front of the tv. "What movie should we watch?" Cole asks as Jay goes through the DVD list. "How about beauty and the beast?" Jay asks. They all shrug and Jay pops it in but before they pressed play Wu stepped in front of the tv holding six opened envelopes. "Report cards are in," he announced and the ninja all looked visibly nervous. "I've already looked at them so you should be able to figure out what I think," Wu said handing each person their card. They all opened them to reveal their grades.

Zane looked quite pleased getting A in all classes not that it was a surprise to anyone. Nya got mostly As and a couple Bs. Cole got a C in home ec then As and Bs which he was pleased with. Jay got all As except in history where he got a D he just didn't see the reason for studying a different realms history. Kai got Bs in everything except P.E where he got a A. Lloyd got a even mix of both Bs and As. "Some need improvement but I am otherwise proud of all of your grades enjoy the movie," Wu said then left. The ninja compare grades with each other and no one was surprised to see Zane's grades. They all settled back into the movie with Nya and Jay drifting off to dream land on the couch and don't worry the others took lots of pictures. Lloyd fell asleep on Kai while playing with his hair. The only one still awake when the movie ended was Cole. He smiles and got a black marker and started writing on Jay's face.

Motor mouth

Backwards. He also wrote some stuff on Nya's head, Zane, and attempted to do the same to Lloyd but. "Do it and I burn all your clothes," Kai mumbles sleepily as he cuddled Lloyd closer. Worth a try Cole thought.

Marionette got to school running in just as the school bell rang. She sighs as she took her seat next to Alya then realized five of her classmates were missing. Marionette put her hand up to ask where they were when they burst into the room panting. "Sorry we're late had to deal with stuff," Lloyd apologizes. The teacher sighs and motioned for them to sit down as she started the lesson.

"Today we are going-"

Once class was finally over the teacher had one last announcement. "And don't forget tomorrow your guardians are coming in for parent teacher talks," She said. The whole class groans as they shuffled out. "Nervous?" Alya teased Marionette. Marionette shrugs but smiles. "I can name someone who is more nervous," She said and Alya raises a eyebrow. "Who?" She asks. Marionette points to Cole who was practically sweating in anxiety as his friends tried calming him down.

"Guess someone is keen to impress their parents," Alya shrugs.


"Woo this is so exciting isn't it Ed?" Edna asks her husband as they walked in the school. "Yes it is dear," Ed replies back. When the ninja told Wu about the parent teacher talks they thought Wu was either going to not go or ask for a letter. Instead he called their parents and now they're all in Paris waiting for their turns to talk to the teachers.

Lou had gotten into a conversation with Natalie who was there for Adrien on musical achievements of the two boys.(Though Cole was begging him to be quiet when the others over heard Lou had recordings of Cole trying to dance as a toddler and they wanted to see them). Ed and Edna were chatting up a storm with most of the other parents and Jay was getting redder by the second. Wu was going to be the one discussing everything for Zane, Kai, and Nya. Marionette and the kids of her class who came to the interviews because the parents wanted them they waited in the library for the whole thing to end. Misako was having a nice talk with Marinette's parents after what Lloyd told her of their daughter.

Tikki pokes out of Marionette's purse and Plagg left Adrien's jacket. Tikki and Plagg hid behind a bookshelf and talked in hushed whispers looking at Lloyd's bracelet. "You sense something off right Plagg?" Tikki asks the cat kwami. "Of course sugarcube it's so shiny," Plagg said and Tikki rolls her eyes. "Think it's a lost miraculous?" Plagg asks. "I sense something familiar but I'm not sure," Tikki said. "Don't worry sugar cube I have the perfect plan," Plagg said and flew away before Tikki could stop him.

Plagg quietly went over to Lloyd who was doodling in his notebook. Plagg went into his bag and looked around and found his phone. He then hacked the phone with his kwami powers (who knows what they can do Plagg's the reason for dinosaurs going extinct) then flew back out to Tikki with a proud smile while Tikki scowls at him. "What did you do?" Tikki scowls.

Lloyd's phone chimes and he took it out before being weirded out by a text. "Hey Zane why did you text me in Mandarin?" Lloyd asks showing the text to Zane who looked at it. Zane was confused. "I did not send that, but if you are wondering it says do you have any canibar?" Zane said quite confused by it. Adrien looks up from his phone and looked in his jacket for Plagg then saw Plagg hiding behind the bookshelf and sent a glare. Luckily he didn't see Tikki also behind the shelf.

"Seriously?" Tikki scolds the cat kwami. "What? It's a perfect plan. He gets cheese the bracelet falls off and we snag it for master Fu," Plagg said proud. Tikki face palms.

"Heyyy Kai I finally turned in the assignment," Chloe said cheerfully from behind. Kai looked up from his book he got for Christmas with a questioning look. "Wasn't that due two months ago?" He asks. "Dates don't always matter," Chloe waves off. She sat down next to him on the right side of him because Lloyd was sitting to the left. Lloyd was glaring at Chloe while she gave Kai a smile that showed way to many teeth. "I was wondering since your so smart if you could help me with my math homework," Chloe said. "So basically do all your homework while you talk about nail polish?" Kai asks in a dry flat tone. Chloe's smile falters before it picks back up. "Well more over I was wondering if you wanted to hang out," Chloe asks. "He'll be busy," Lloyd cuts in. Chloe looked at him as if only just noticing he was there. "Nobody asked you," Chloe said in a rude spoiled brat manner. "Hey don't talk to my boyfriend like that," Kai said in a annoyed manner. Chloe looked at Kai with surprised wide eyes. "B-b-boyfriend?!" She almost screeches. Lloyd smile smugly and hugged Kai around the waist and kissed his cheek.

"Yeah so back off," Lloyd said. "But I thought you were into girls?" Chloe said looking at Kai who shrugs. "I'm bisexual," Kai said. "Yeah and he's going to be busy so I would back off if I was you," Lloyd said in a total smug manner. Chloe became red in the face and stomped off being followed out by Sabrina.

"How long have you been wanting to do that?" Jay asks having watched the entire thing with amusement. "Since we got here," Lloyd said resting his head on Kai's shoulder. After a few more minutes Lloyd got up to go to the bathroom on the way back to the library he was stopped by a gorilla looking guy. "Umm can I help you?" Lloyd asks being ignored as the guy was on the phone. Lloyd was then escorted down stairs outside the building. Usually this would cause major red flags, but Lloyd had taken out guys tougher than him before even without his powers so he just wanted to see where this would go. He got to a fancy car and realized it was Adrien's car. Then he realized the guy who clearly was not paying attention at all to anything must that bodyguard Adrien had told him about. In fairness the two did look almost like twins only Lloyd was slightly shorter with a different hair style and more childish features lots of people had compared the two.

"Umm hello? I'm not Adrien," Lloyd said. The Gorilla looked him up and down not seeing the difference at all and tried pushing Lloyd in the car. "Dude I'm Lloyd not Adrien you need glasses," Lloyd argues. There was a lot of pushing until a official looking lady with glasses, raven hair except for a streak of red at the front, and a business uniform came outside with the real Adrien behind her. When they saw what was going on they were quite confused. Then Kai came out with Misako who was looking for Lloyd.

"Hey! Paws off!" Kai said coming up and trying to pry Lloyd away. "What is going on here?" Misako asks quite confused. Natalie sighs and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "I apologize Mrs. Garmadon your son looks a lot like Adrien here and Gorilla has been meaning to get new contacts. This is a simple case of mistaken identity," Natalie apologizes to Misako. "I said I wasn't Adrien!" Lloyd calls over as Kai finally managed to get the giant off his green bean. "Sorry Lloyd," Adrien said. "It's fine," Lloyd said brushing himself off. "We must be going again I apologize," Natalie said. "It is quite alright," Misako said with a small nod. With a wave they said goodbye and left with Adrien smirking at how funny it all was.

"Hello Misako is everything alright?" Wu asks coming out with the others and their parents. "Yes just a case of mistaken identity," Misako said simply. "Alright then let's go oh and Nya when we get back you will be doing extra training for that stunt from Halloween I've only somehow just heard about," Wu said. "It was worth it," Nya shrugs. "I had fun talking to your teachers Cole so proud though your home ec teacher said something about the cake exploding?" Lou asks his son. "Too much baking power," Cole shrugs as they all walked to somewhere private to head back home.

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