The Fall Dance Pt. 3

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The figure revealed itself to be THE PUPPETS FROM THAT ONE EPISODE WAY it's just Rob.

"What are you doing here?" Gumball asked.

"You know, relaxing, sitting in the corner, creepily hiding in the shadows just waiting for the right time to appear for dramatic effect, that kinda thing." Rob said casually.

"What do you want?" Carrie asked irritably.

"Don't desire anything. Just to made him suffer." Rob said while pointing to Gumball

Darwin made a smug face at this remark. "Uh huh." He said sarcastically. "And what are you gonna do?"

"Well, if you must know, I have paid a visit to the red van in the mall parking lot. And found...THIS!!" Rob pulled out a sparkling dream catcher. Everyone made a blank face. "And what exactly is that?" Darwin asked.

Rob looked at what he was holding, and immediately was embarrassed and hurriedly put the thing away. "No, that's my anxiety and self-doubt catcher." He whispered so nobody could hear him.

"I-I meant...THIS." Rob said as he pulled out a stone head with two gems for eyes. Carrie gasped.

"What? What is it?" Darwin asked the flabbergasted ghost. (Forgive my weird use of words.)

"That single relic has the ability to trap one soul." Carrie said.

"Ah. You know your magic." Rob said.

"Yeah, but at least I'm not big enough of an idiot to buy one that can only hold one soul." Carrie said. Everyone sniggered.

"Okay? There's a weirdo with a cursed object interrupting the dance, so what?" Darwin wasn't fazed.

"I plan to use it." Rob said.

"Okay?" Darwin said.

"And Gumball's soul will be mine." Rob said.


"I'll take your brother's soul."


"And you won't get to see him again."

Darwin gasped. "You monster."

Gumball whispered from the side of his mouth. "Penny, can't you turn into a dragon and blow him outta here?"

"We've been over this. I can't. It depends on how I feel." Penny whispered back.

"Well can you make yourself angry somehow?"

"I don't know how."


"Oh no. Nobody threatens my boyfriend." Penny said as she walked in front of Gumball.

"You would rather be banished than this fool? Have you not seen how much damage he has done to this town in the past? Have you not seen what he has done to me?!" Rob said, while facing the relic towards Penny. "You don't want to do this."

"Try me." Darwin said as he walked beside Penny.

"Us." Carrie said, from the right side.

Rob jumped down from the booth. "You would risk your lives for this menace to society?"

Gumball's eyes blazed. "You are the menace through our eyes."

"Have it your way." Rob said as he pulled out a little blue box. He opened it, to see shadows coming out of it. It was clear they were on his side.

Both sides stood motionless, each member staring at the opposing. That is, until Rob lunged at Gumball, and the battle commenced. Penny immediately turned into a dragon and blasted one shadow out of existence with the light. Rob dodged, making sure not to get caught in the cross-fire , literally. Carrie possessed Darwin, but this time he turned into a big, piranha like creature, and roared. One by one, the shadows were easily defeated.

"Hey Rob, maybe next time you make an evil plan, make the enemies harder to beat." Darwin said as Carrie floated out of his body.

Penny turned back into fairy form. And walked up to Rob, who's shock put him in a daze. She grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him towards her so he didn't miss a word. She looked him dead in the eye, he saw nothing but rage. "Get. Out." She said.

He quickly ran and stumbled on his way towards the door.

Penny let out a sigh of relief, and turned back towards Gumball, who was on his one knee, holding the pink heart necklace in front of her. "I am so lucky to have you in my life." He said.

She stood there in complete awe. Tears swelled up in her eyes, and she put her hands over her mouth. She didn't move. The crowd cheered around them, but Darwin clapped the loudest by far. Gumball got up, and put the necklace around Penny's neck. She immediately embraced him. As she broke apart the hug, he pulled her back and they collided, two universes, bound to be together. (THEY KISSED. JUST TO MAKE THAT CLEAR.)

"I love you." She said.

"I love you more." He said.

"Impossible." She joked.

"Far from it." He said.

BOOM. FINISHED. I apologize for this coming out so late. I'm lazy.

Stay awesome.


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