Her side of the story

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*1 week before the dance.*

It had been a whole week since Gumball and Penny's miscommunication at the park. Oh, and you better believe Gumball felt bad. He hadn't really been himself since the night. And Darwin hated this. But he didn't know what fact he hated more, that Gumball was very hurt, or that it was his advice that he felt got his brother into this mess.

It was in the middle of the school day, and Miss Simian was sleeping, so the entire class basically had free time. While everyone else was talking, Penny was silently doing her homework, and Gumball had his head on his desk. Darwin knew he wasn't sleeping, but he sure made it look like it. Darwin took this opportunity to talk to his brother.

"Hey dude." Darwin said.

"Hey." Gumball muffled.

"Why don't you talk to her and work things out?" Darwin asked looking over at Penny, who seemed to be stuck on a question.

Gumball knew what he meant and he raised his head up. "I don't think she wants to talk to me." He said while looking over at his buddy.

"Have you tried making conversation?" Darwin replied.

"Well...no-" Gumball said

"Then how will you ever know if she doesn't want to talk, if you don't make an effort to talk to her?"

"Uhh... I'll think about it. But right now, I'm gonna give her some space." Gumball said before putting his head back down.

"Ok." Darwin said.

"I hate the depressed Gumball. I've gotta find a way to get them talking to each other! Maybe I should talk to Penny and hear her side of the story.      Heh, Gumball was right. I would make a good therapist." Darwin thought before the bell rang.

When Darwin saw that Penny was alone, he made his way to her. She happened to be putting books away at her locker.

"Hey Penny." Darwin said.

She nearly jumped. She didn't hear him walk up to her.

"Oh! Hi Darwin!"

"Is there something going on between you and Gumball?" Darwin asked while looking over at his brother at the other side of the hall. Still hanging his head low.

"Well, it's complicated." She said. To be honest, she didn't know how to answer. She noticed how sad he seemed, but he didn't seem to want to talk about it, so she thought he needed space.

"Complicated?" Darwin quoted.

"It's just- I don't know how to explain." She said.

"Hmm...we can talk about this at recess. Maybe we can sort out the problem. It's always better to speak than to stay silent in a situation like this."

"Ok, hey wait!" Penny shouted.

"What?" The fish turned around.

"Have you ever thought of being a therapist?"

"I can't believe how much you two have in common." He laughed. "Yes I have."

"Oh. Ok."

"What did he mean that Gumball and I have a lot in common? Oh well. Maybe I should speak with Gumball sometime today. It's only 1 week before the dance." Penny thought before heading off to her next class.

"Wait, all of our classes are in the same classroom except for gym." She thought as she went back into Miss Simian's classroom.

*at recess*

Penny and Darwin were sitting at a bench on the playground. Meanwhile, Gumball was by himself at another bench on the other side.

"Ok. So tell me, what is your side of the story?" Darwin asked while taking out a pen and paper, ready to take notes.

"Well, at the beginning of this month, Gumball asked me to the Fall dance. Of course I said yes, and he was very happy about that so I was happy."


"Later, about a week ago, he asked me if I wanted to go to the park. I said yes-"

"Would you ever say no?" Darwin interrupted.

"Unless I had something else going on at home, then of course not!"

"Ok. Just making sure, carry on."

"Anyways, when I got to the park, he was completely exhausted and out of breath,"

"Yeah, after your guy's call ended, we was booking it down the street in order to make it." Darwin chuckled.

"He said he wanted to be early for once." Penny giggled.

"And it only took him an extra pair of feet? Wow." They both laughed.

"Anyways, we were trying to find a spot to rest, when I saw this beautiful Weeping Willow tree in front of the sunset. It was like something you'd see in romance movies."

"Wow." Darwin said imagining the scene.

"Yeah, so we went and sat down, and before we knew it, we were in space, like, deep space."

"But how did you two survive? Did you feel anything?" Darwin asked. He knew what this "space really meant. It was like emotional space, like a quiet place for the two alone.

"No, it just felt, right. Being there with him."

Now Darwin knew for sure that this is what it meant.

"I was admiring the view when he seemed to be trying to tell me something, but he wouldn't say. I thought I knew what he was going to say, but I was wrong." Penny grew sad at the last line.

Now Darwin knew why Gumball was so sad, and the two weren't talking. Gumball had anxiety which led to miscommunication which led to awkwardness which led to where they were right then.

"I see, well thank you for telling me, did it make you feel any better?" He asked.

"To be honest, yeah, it felt good to tell someone."

"Good. I will try to sort things out with Gumball."

"Ok. And, thanks. For listening."

"No problem." Darwin said before making his way over to his brother.

I'm sorry this chapter was delayed, I have been busy. How are you guys liking the sequel so far??

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