The Fall Dance Pt. 2

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*Hey! I'm back! Breaktime's over, time to get on with the story! I would say some stuff to get all caught up with the story, but I'm lazy. If you read the last few chapters you should be fine.*

"Gumball! There you are!" Penny said.

"I- Woah." Gumball was astonished to see that she had a beautiful light blue dress with a yellow star shape at the top. She had even put on a yellow star barrette to match the dress.

Penny chuckled. "You look handsome."

Gumball was immediately snapped out of his trance. "Oh, Thanks! I love your dress!"

"Thanks." She replied.

Penny looks around at the all the decorations and different lights they used for the dance.

Gumball listened to the song DJ Rocky had put on for a few seconds.

"This is awesome." he said.

"Yeah." Penny giggled. She still couldn't believe that the school was able to accomplish this. She knew Darwin helped with the decorations, and she would have to praise him for that.

The two stood in silence for about 15 seconds. It still felt like forever for both of them. So you thought that the one time you were called in class to answer a question you didn't know was awkward? Nope. 

Wanting to end the uncomfortable silence, Penny spoke up. "So uh..." she blushed. "Do you want to dance?"

"Absolutely." Gumball said as his eyes turned into a star shape.

Penny smiled and grabbed his hand. This in turn, made him blush. Penny brought Gumball into the center of the gym, right under the Disco Ball. The glistening yellow, red, and copper colors flashed across their faces. The two just had fun. Gumball pulled out his best moves, and Penny giggled and danced along to the beat of the music. (I'm a guy so I don't know how girls dance. Sorry.)

This went on for a couple of minutes. Where the two were just dancing laughing and all in all having a good time. Gumball saw Darwin and Carrie at another part of the gym. Carrie decided to wear a beautiful black dress that had a lace-spider pattern on it. Darwin never looked so happy.

'Looked like he finally asked her.' Gumball smiled. 'I'm proud of him.' Gumball thought.

Honestly, he was pretty surprised to see that she came to the dance. She didn't always seem like the kind of person who would enjoy parties. Then again, she was probably hoping Darwin would ask her to the dance. 

5 awesome minutes later XD

"Ok everyone, it's time for the slow dance. Every solo dancer off the floor, unless your looking for love." Rocky announced from the dj booth.

Everyone else cleared out except for a couple of people. These few included, Penny and Gumball, Darwin and Carrie, Alan and Carman, Tina and Hector, and Tobias and Masami.

Gumball looked at everyone who was left. He was pretty surprised by some of the people that stayed. I mean, him and Penny? 'Obviously.' Darwin and Carrie? 'Expected.' Alan and Carman. 'Yes.' Tina and Hector. 'Absolutely not.' Tobias and Masami? 'They are probably just dancing for the attention.'

"So, uh...what do we do now?" Gumball asked while sweating a little bit. Penny then grabbed his hands. She said nothing, yet he could hear a thousand words just by looking into her bright hazel eyes.

They all began to slow dance. Penny and Gumball might as well have been in heaven, Darwin said everywhere was his happy place, up until this moment. Being with her was all he needed then and now. Tina and Hector were struggling since Tina had such short arms, Alan was having a good time, but was trying not to get popped by Carman's prickles, and Masami and Tobias were loving the eyes that were being laid on them. 

After the second song, Gumball faced towards Rocky and nodded. Penny caught his eye, and also looked over at Rocky. Rocky got the signal, and placed a CD into his laptop. The song "Outside" started to play. Penny gasped.

"This was your favorite song right?" Gumball asked.

"Yes!" Penny exclaimed. "How'd you know?"

"We listened to it that one day at recess. You were so relaxed that you might as well have traveled to the astral plain." Gumball said.

"How do you know what the astral plain is?" Penny asked.

"You'll see." Gumball said.

 They resumed dancing.

Song at 0:45

Penny rested her head on Gumball's chest, as they kept dancing. He didn't blush, he didn't hesitate to let it happen, it just felt right. Being with her. And once again, they were in space.

"This is our astral plain." Gumball said.

 But Penny didn't even open her eyes, but Gumball felt that she knew. Gumball looked and saw tears in Penny's eyes.

"What's wrong?" Gumball asked worriedly.

"Nothing is wrong." She said while lifting her head up. "Being here with you, I couldn't have asked for more." She said as she lay her head back down.

"...I love you."

The entire Milky Way could now be seen from where they were. It was a marvelous sight indeed, but Gumball couldn't care less. He swore he felt his heart beg his brain to let him say it. His thoughts agreed.

"...I love you too."

Penny then opened her eyes and looked deeply into his. She saw nothing but happiness and joy. And that was the truth. Gumball reached into his back pocket and began to pull out the necklace...


The sound rang across the gym. The two were sent back down to earth. But much slower this time.

Everyone looked up at the dj booth, where a mysterious figure emerged from the shadows.

"What? You?" Gumball asked.

"Yes Gumball."

(I made some edits that I feel made this chapter a little bit better. :) Be on the lookout for the next one!)

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