"Clear Communication"

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Yes, I'm making this while listening to Hymn for the weekend, so this is about to get...romantic.

*2 weeks before the dance*

"Ok! What should we do now?" Darwin asked excitedly.

"Sorry dude, I'm gonna ask Penny if she wants to go to the park." Gumball said.

"Ok! Hey! Remember what happened the last time we were there? When you two...had a moment?"

"I know." Gumball said smiling. He knew what happened. It was only 3 weeks ago.

"Oh. Gotcha. Well, have fun!"

"I will." Gumball said.

He then walked up the stairs, and into their bedroom.
(He didn't video call her this time, he basically texted her. And the emojis represent their mood at the given time. )

Gumball:😊Hey Penny!

Penny:😄Hey Gumball.


Penny:😊Not much, talking to you.

Gumball.😬Well, that sounds very exciting.

Penny: 🙂I think it is.

Gumball:😅I have a question.


Gumball: 😍Do you want to go to the park?

Penny: 😍Of course!

Gumball: 🤩Awesome! So, I'll see you there?




After their char ended, Gumball quickly rushed to the front door and passed Darwin, who was on the couch watching a documentary.

"Getting into the whole therapist idea?" Gumball said as he stopped for a second.

"Yep! She said yes?"


"Good for you. Now, shh! It's starting!"

"Ok, C ya!"

"C ya!"

Gumball then rushed out the door and ran to the park. By the time he got there, he was completely out of breath. It was dawn by that point.

Shortly afterwards, Penny arrived.

"Hey Penny!" Gumball said as he dashed over to see her.

"Hey!" She said. "Uh...are you ok?"

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." Gumball said between gasps.

"Did you run all the way here? " Penny asked.


*Please start the song here. It might make the story better.😉*

"Gumball...you didn't have too." She said patting his back.

"I thought I did. I wanted to be early for once."

"Well. I'm glad you were."

"Thanks. Now, can we sit down somewhere? Because if we don't, I might faint from standing up."

Penny giggled. "Sure." She then paused to look around.

"Hmm...the bench? The playground? *Gasps* I know!" Penny thought.

"How about that weeping willow tree?" Penny asked.

Gumball looked over at it. It was in front of the sunset. Like something you'd see in the movies.


As they both walked over, they were talking about what was going on at their houses.

"So, Polly is getting straight A's in preschool?" Gumball asked.

"Yeah. Its weird I know, what would she even get A's for?" Penny asked.

"Hmm...I actually don't have an answer."

"Well that's a first." Penny laughed.

"Yeah." They both laughed.

They got there and both sat down next to one another. Penny gazed off into the sunset.

"It's a beautiful view." She said.

"Yeah. And so is mine." He said.

She turned towards him. He dreamily looked into her eyes. And before they knew it, they were in space.

"I love this place." Penny said while looking at the many stars around them.

"And I l-lo-" Gumball stuttered.

Penny looked over at him confused.

"I lo-lo" His brain was practically cowering at the back of his head. While his heart was screaming at it to say the words.

"I-I love the shine of the northern lights." He finally said looking down on the Earth.

"Oh. Yeah me too." She said kind of sad.

Gumball was devastated. How could he be so stupid?! It was the perfect moment!! Why couldn't he say it?! His brain replied with a very calm "not yet" in his head. Meanwhile his heart was trying to mutate in order to strangle the brain.

They were almost immediately sent back down to earth. Where Gumball then realized that it was 7:00 at night. Penny noticed this too.

"Well, I think I had better head home." Penny said.

"Yeah. Me too." Gumball said.

"Well, see you tomorrow." Penny said just before kissing him on the cheek and walking away. And Gumball knew he saw a tear well up in her left eye.

"See you tomorrow." He said as he walked home. He felt horrible.

When he got home, Darwin greeted him at the door.

"So, how'd it go?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Gumball responded as he continued to drag his feet with his head low.

"That bad huh? What happened?" Darwin asked as he followed his brother up stairs.

"I don't want to talk about it." Gumball grumbled while face planting on his pillow.

"You didn't tell her did you?" Darwin asked while sitting next to his brother.

Gumball clenched his fists and began to shake. But the feelings of anger were quickly over come by sadness. And he began to sob.

Unsure on how he could make him feel better, Darwin walked out of their bedroom.

"I'll give you some "me time"." He said just before closing the door.

Gumball didn't come downstairs for dinner. He just cried, and cried until he fell asleep.

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