Talking about her.

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"Why are we going on a walk again?" Anais moaned.

"Because what better way to spend the Saturday than you take a walk around our beloved town?" Gumball said.

"Or to stop Gumball from going crazy and destroying the house." Darwin whispered to Anais. She sniggered at this.

"Ah! There's the Mall! Should we go see what's up?" Gumball asked.

"Do we really have a choice?" Anais asked.

"Nope!" Gumball said while rushing over to the entrance with Anais and Darwin slowly trailing behind.

"He's gonna get himself into trouble isn't he?" Darwin asked.

"Yep." Anais yawned. "There goes another Saturday."

They kept Gumball under control for most of the trip, but once they reached the sporting center, Gumball looked like he was gonna explode from energy.

"I have an idea on how to calm him down." Anais said to Darwin before pointing to one of the treadmills.

"Great idea!" Darwin said before turning to Gumball who still had a huge grin on his face.

"Hey dude! Why don't you try this treadmill? You know, just to make sure it works."

"Ok!" Gumball said before jumping on the treadmill and starting to walk.

"This is boring! Here let me try!" But before Darwin could respond, Gumball had already turned it to max speed. And just for a second, Darwin swore he saw Gumball running and keeping up with the pace. But that was before he fell and flew backwards, crashing into one of the store's shelves and knocking everything off. This shelf was conveniently for helmets.

"Oh dude! Are you ok?" Darwin asked while he and Anais lushed the helmets off of him. It took him a second, but he eventually opened his eyes.

"Let's do it again!" Gumball said happily.

Anais just sighed. "I think you've had enough exploring for one day Gumball. Besides, we'd better get out of here before Larry comes over." She said before all three rushed out of the store.

Darwin yawns. "Hey dude? Since you have the most energy, do you think you could carry us home?"


"Yeah Gumball." Anais groaned. "Your practically can't sit still. And right now, I feel like not doing anything but that."

"Ok. I'll give it a shot." Gumball said before grabbing the two. As Darwin and Anais closed their eyes and opened them, they were home just like that.

"Wha-? What happened?! How did you do that?" Darwin said looking towards Gumball, who was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"You guys passed out as soon as I grabbed you." Gumball said calmly. "You were asleep the entire time."

"How long did it take?" Anais pressured.

"An hour." Gumball grumbled.

"Oh. You ran out of energy?" Darwin asked hopefully.

"If by 'ran out' you mean lost my superpowers? Then yes."

"Oh finally. Now we can relax." Anais said before her and Darwin proceeded to sit next to Gumball on the couch.

"I still can't believe Penny said yes." Gumball said finally.

"I can." Darwin remarked.

"Really? How?"

"Dude, why wouldn't she? You two are dating, you've liked her since you two first met, and your the one who convinced her to be her true self."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Besides, she would never try to hurt you."

"Really? Where did you hear that?"

"She told me."

"Oh." Gumball said while blushing.

"The only problem between you two is that neither of you seemed to have said how you really feel."

"Yes we did! That night when she came out of her shell-"

"No, I mean, with words."

"Oh." Gumball said before realizing that this was true. Sure, they said that they love each other, but not directly."

"Personally, I wouldn't stick to one-liners and cheesy compliments, just, when the moment is right, tell her how you really feel." Darwin said, breaking Gumball out of his trance.

"But I can't just walk up to her anytime I feel like it and say "I love you.", that's a terrible idea!"

"Ah, but that's where the Fall dance comes in. They do a slow dance right in the middle of it. And I've seen the kinds of lights their gonna use. This thing is no joke. Their treating it like a middle-school prom thing."

"Woah." Just imagining it made Gumball excited. "So you think I should slow dance with Penny?"

"Hey man, I'm not saying you should do anything. It's your choice. But I advise you two make an effort when the time comes. Because this is a one-time thing. And you won't have that moment probably until high school when the real prom happens."

"Ok. Ok. I can do this." Gumball said while taking deep inhales and exhales.

"No!" Darwin said before shutting Gumball's mouth manually. "Save the emergency self-confidence stuff for the dance. Right now, just chill."

"Yeah. It is Saturday after all."

"That's the spirit."

"There's a Saturday spirit?"

"Yep. And I can tell you, he's awesome. But his magic only works if your do the secret moves to prove you are worthy of it."

"What's that?"



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