Asking her.

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Two weeks after "The Moment"

"Dude c'mon!! Finish him so that we beat this level!!" Darwin shouted.

Gumball was already sweating. They had never made it this far in the game before, but that was in the back of his mind. He can't stop thinking about Penny and their future. But, with Gumball being Gumball, he instead kept imagining the worst possibilities instead of the best.

Right at that moment, his controller snapped in half, and their character died.

"Noooooooo!" Darwin screamed while bending to the ground. "We were only one combo away!"

"Sorry dude." Gumball said before realizing that it wasn't the remote that broke out of nowhere, it was that he was pressing the buttons so hard and so fast that it snapped the controller.

"Well, it's fine. But dude we were so close, and that's the third controller we've had to replace this week! Is something wrong?" Darwin said sympathetically.

"No, everything is fine." Gumball said while slumping down further into the couch.

"No it's not. Tell me. What's bothering you? I know when you are sad." Darwin said raising an eyebrow in annoyance.

"Well, it's just- the game-"

"The real reason please." Darwin said while crossing his fins.

"Darn it. Well, at least he can't hear what I'm saying in my head."

"Yes I can." Darwin replied

"Oh come on!" Gumball shouted.

"Dude, if something bothers you it bothers me. We're Bros and sometimes Bros need to tell each other what's bothering them. It'll make you feel better about the situation." Darwin said while sitting next to the blue cat.

"Before I do, have you ever thought of being a therapist?" Gumball said sarcastically.

"It's come to mind a couple of times yes, but that's not what we need to talk about."

"Right." *sighs* "It's just, I can't stop thinking about me and Penny's relationship in the future."

"Aww, dude-"

"You don't get it. I can't stop thinking about what could happen. Like, what if she meets another guy? What if she has to move? What if she is in trouble right now?!"

"Ok. First of all, she loves you more than you know it-"

"Wait, how do you-"

"I'm not done! Second of all, why would she move? Her dad is a successful businessman. And finally, the girl can turn into a dragon, so I think she'll be fine."

"Right, right."

"But dude, that's not the problem! You need to stop thinking about all the "maybes" and "what if's" for the future, and start thinking about what's happening right now."

"Yeah! You're right buddy!" Gumball said standing up on the couch triumphantly.

"That's the spirit. Anyways, there is a Fall dance coming up, I'm planning on asking Carrie..."

"Gotcha dude, and thanks for making me feel better." Gumball said as he ran up the stairs to the computer.

"No problem."

As he ran into their room, he met Anais at the computer. He was about to say something, but he was cut off.

"It's all yours." Anais said, stepping down from the chair.

"I...wait, really?"

"Yep, I heard the entire conversation you two had downstairs. I think I need some therapy as well."

"Oh, thanks Anais!"


Gumball excitedly started up Elmore Plus and went to Penny's profile for video-chat.

"Hey Gumball!" Penny said from the other side of the screen.

"Hey Penny! How's your day been?"

"It was good, but seeing you so happy, made it about 10 times better."


"Anyways, what do you want to talk about?"

"Well, you know about that fall dance that's coming up?"

"Yeah?" Penny said excitedly. She knew what was about to happen.

"Well, I asked Sara to go with me!" Gumball said practically bouncing in his seat.

"What?"  Penny said, already getting red from anger.

"Just kidding! I was actually thinking about asking you!"


"You really thought I would ask Sara to go with me?"

"Well, there are some things that have happened to you where if I hadn't seen it myself, I wouldn't believe it."

"Touché, but still, wanna be my date to the dance?"

"Yes! I would love to go to the dance with you!"

"Great! Well, see you later Penny!"

"Bye Gumball!"

As soon as the chat ended, Gumball burst with excitement. He ran around the house, literally bounced off the walls all while blushing and screaming.

"I'm guessing she said yes?" Darwin asked watching the cat practically fazing through walls.


"That's great and all, but watch it! You might break something!"

"Ok. I think I'm good." Gumball said out of breath.

"Well, you should see her in two days, since it's gonna be Monday." Darwin said.

"Monday? MONDAY!!!!!" Gumball shouted before resuming running around the house.

"Yeah but it's still Saturday." Anais said chuckling.


"But-" Darwin said.

"Shhh! He's calm now!" Anais hushed.

"Right. Right."

"I can't wait."

"Your gonna have too. The dance isn't until the end of the month, so you'll need to wait." Anais said.

"Yeah, but that's a month of fun!" Gumball said as his enthusiasm returned. "Let's go do something!"

"Ugh." Darwin and Anais moaned.

"I will physically drag you two on the sidewalk if I have to." Gumball threatened.

"Fine." The two finally agreed.

"Great! Let's go!!"

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