Truth or Dare?

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*Its a casual Monday morning at Elmore Junior High, and Gumball and Darwin are playing Twisted Truth or Dare (where if the person doesn't do the dare/truth, then they have to tell their biggest secret.)on the playground.*

"Ok my turn." Gumball said. "Truth or Dare?"

"Hmm...truth." Darwin said feeling uneasy. Gumball was always the worst opponent in this game.

"Ok, would you ask Carrie to marry you ever?"

"Oh," Darwin looked over at Carrie while blushing furiously.

"Go on." Gumball said smirking with an eyebrow raised.

"Uhh..." Darwin was still on the edge for an answer.

"5...4...3...2..." Gumball counted.

"Ok fine! Yes! Yes I will!" Darwin said annoyed. He then turned back over to Carrie. "Eventually..."

"Ok my turn!" Darwin said.

"Ok." Gumball said with confidence.

"Truth or Dare?"

Gumball thought for a minute. "Dare."

"Hmm..." Darwin was unsure of what he was gonna force his brother to do. So he started looking around for ideas. That is, until he saw Penny on the other side of the playground. He then turned back towards the unsuspecting blue cat with an evil look.

"What?" Gumball said with confusion. There was no reply.

"Dude, you're freaking me out."

"I dare tell Penny your biggest secret and see how she reacts." Darwin said with a smug face.

"What?!" Gumball said while turning white for a second. "No way!"

"Fine, then tell me your biggest secret." Darwin said while his grin grew wider.

"But I don't have any secrets that you don't know about." Gumball said.

"Really? Ok. Well then, explain this to me..." Darwin said with his hands on his...neck? (sorry the fish doesn't have a torso. Meh, you get the idea) "When you were gonna propose to Penny, where did you get the money for a ring?"

"Oh, just out of my savings." Gumball said.

Darwin frowned. He knew this wasn't true. "Really?"

"Ugh. Fine! I told dad that I trapped a leprechaun in the forest, and it was willing to give good luck for life to anyone who gave it the money. And I was gonna say it was from him."

"And how much was the ring?"

Gumball inhaled sharply. "Make an estimate in your head about what you think the price might have been."

"Ok got it."

"Now multiply that by 5." Gumball sighed.

Darwin gasped and frowned at Gumball.

"Why didn't you just tell him?" Darwin asked with his fins crossed.

"I assumed mom already 'prepared' him in case that ever happened."

"And even if she tried too, you expected him to remember?" Darwin gave him a sharp look.

"Oh...I see your point."

"And while your confessing stuff, what would you have told Penny?"

"Oh...uh..." Gumball blushed. "You know, what I'm gonna tell her at the dance."

"Ah, that's the biggest secret you keep from her?"


Darwin actually believed this. Clear communication was the biggest barrier between the two. And the only way to break this barrier is with a counter-force. Clear Communication.

Just then, the bell rang, and all the students we're going inside.

"Well, I'm sure you'll get the chance to tell her."

"Thanks dude."

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