Apologizing - Double Chapter? (Sorta)

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Hello! We begin where we left off: on the playground.

"So let me get this straight," Gumball said. "You want me to just waltz on over there and talk to Penny like nothings happened?!"

"That is nothing like what I just said." Darwin replied. "I said to go speak to her about the previous events that occurred and work things out."

"I don't get it." Gumball said while hesitantly looking over at Penny. "I'm giving her space."

"Dude, I just got done talking to her. Since your not talking, she thinks you need space. That's why she wasn't talking to you. She was waiting for you to make conversation, but you made it seem like you were giving her the cold shoulder." Darwin said.

"Yeah, your right! I have the right to apologize, AND I WILL NOT ABUSE IT!!" Gumball said with confidence as he started walking over.

He stopped when he was about halfway across the playground. "Maybe if I-" He said only to be shoved by Darwin.

"Go on!" The fish said as he pushed his brother over to where Penny was sitting.

Gumball sighed and sat down next to her.

"Hey Penny." Gumball said not even looking up. The two were hesitant about making eye-contact.


Gumball looked over at Darwin, hoping to get a helpful response. But Darwin just made an expression that said: your on your own.

Gumball sighed. "I'm sorry about the other night."

"What for?"

"About what I said. Or, rather, what I didn't say."

"Oh it's ok."

"No it's not. I hurt your feelings. And seeing you hurt hurts me. I'm gonna make it up to you. At the dance."

"Oh Gumball, you really don't have too."

"Yes I do. I will not be satisfied until I feel that I have made it up to you."


"I gotta go tell Darwin!" Gumball said while standing up.

"Hang on!"


As soon as he looked over, she kissed him on the cheek, causing him to blush furiously.

"I forgive you." She said.

He then ran over to his buddy at the other side of the playground to tell him what he was up too. And his master plan.

After the bell rang, Penny went over to Darwin when Gumball wasn't around. "So, uh...should I be scared of what he is planning for the dance?"

He smiled at her. "No. Trust me."

"Ok." She said before walking over to their last class of the day.

Omg omg!! Double Chapter?? Sorta.

These are hints for the final few chapters at the end of the story. There will be three more upcoming chapters in total. Here are some hints for each one:

Chapter name: ???

Hint(s): He waited and waited for what seemed like an eternity. Until he saw her walk into the doors. She wore a beautiful pink dress, with matching shoes. He thought she looked beautiful. Everyone else noticed her presence in the gym and all the guys turned wide-eyed.

"Pssh, she's not that pretty." Masami scoffed.

Chapter name: ???

Hint(s): "What? You?" Gumball asked.

"Yes Gumball."

"What are you doing here?"

"You know, relaxing, sitting in the corner, creepily hiding in the shadows just waiting for the right time to appear for dramatic effect, that kinda thing."

The Last Chapter's info I am not spoiling or giving any hints about. Sorry! I have a plan for a pretty satisfying ending if I do say so myself. But, until then you'll just have to wait!

Ok, C ya!

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