Nonsense and Preparation

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*Hey! First chapter on my laptop! Yay! Anywho, it's the day before the dance!*

It was an ordinary day so far for Darwin, and he was putting his books in his locker, thinking about the big Fall Dance. 'Come on! You've got to get a grip on yourself and ask her! There isn't much time left! The dance is tomorrow!' He thought while looking on the other side of the hall at...Carrie. They were already dating! Why was it so hard for him to ask her?! He was pondering the same questions.

Right at that moment, Gumball came rushing around the corner and Carrie disappeared. No, seriously, she teleported away. Darwin sighed at this. Why was Gumball running down the hall anyways?! He was annoyed.

Gumball then saw his brother. "DARWIN!!"

"What?" He was still annoyed.

"RUUUUUUUN!!!" Gumball shouted before immediately passing by the fish.

"What? Why?" Darwin was confused. He then looked down the hall where Gumball had just ran from. What he saw next made his blood run cold.

At that exact moment he turned around Tina, the school's T-Rex, turned the corner, she let out a terrifying roar. Out of pure instinct, Darwin ran the opposite direction, just as his brother had done.

Because he was faster, and he had a kick of adrenaline, Darwin caught up with Gumball in no time flat.

"What did you say this time?!" Darwin shouted.

"Nothing!" Gumball said.

Darwin gave him an stern look.

"Ok! I told her it looked wrong to see her in the library, since her head alone can barely fit through the doorway, and the fact that her arms are so short, that they a physically incapable of reaching the shelves."

"Today out of all days." Darwin grumbled.

"Hey! At least I didn't start this up before the dance!" Gumball protested.

"You kinda did." Darwin reminded him.

"Whatever. She's gaining!" Gumball shouted.

The two decided to make the next turn, bad idea. It led to a dead end, and now they were cornered by the enormous T-Rex.

"Oh man oh man oh man! I can't go to the dance with a black eye!" Gumball whined.

"Well, maybe if you apologize then you won't have too." Darwin said. "Why did I even run with you anyways?!"

"Because you wanted to show me I was wrong." Gumball said.

"You know me well don't you?" Darwin smiled.

Tina roared. The two immediately shut up.

"Dude, apologize before she kicks our butt!" Darwin whispered.

"I would, if it wasn't true!" Gumball whispered back.

Darwin gave Gumball the most disapproving look the cat had ever seen. And that's saying something.

Gumball sighed. "Look Tina-"

"Pick your next words carefully! Because they will be your last!" Tina growled.

"I can't believe I'm about to say this." Gumball whispered so Tina couldn't hear him. "Tina, I'm sorry for what I said in the library. It was wrong and I was wrong to doubt your physical abilities."

"Wait...what? Really?" Tina squinted Gumball, who was a nervous wreck by this point.

"Y-yeah?" Gumball stuttered.

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