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The land of light, this land had a total of 4 islands in them. The land of light is known for the land of mages. Many mages lives here and is known to be professional.

• I gi tis exousías.

I gi tis exousías is located on the southern part of the land of light. It is said that skilled heroes lived here, whether it be a mage, marksman, fighter or an adventurer. This island is owned by the Damon Family.

-The Damon Woodland

Half of the I gi tis exousías's Land is owned by the Damon family. The land is named after it's own beauty, woodsland. The land was knows to have many Woods, mythical creatures lived in the deep part of the woodland. Such as fairies, dwarves, hybrids and many more.

-Lumina City

Lumina City is very close to the Damon's kingdom, the princess often go there for a walk or just to check that everything is okay. Lumina City is known for being a place for travelers or adventures. Lumina City is the political and trade center of the whole continent. It is known for it's fair trades with other islands and such.

-Church of Elpída

The Church of Elpída is known for it's great mages. Mages protects the church for any evil kind that wanted to destroy the church. The church also have a Hospital where injured adventurers go.

-Black Forest

The black forest is known for being the problem for the Damon Kingdom and for the Etaireía nystaléon agorión Kingdom. It is said that many evil beings lived there but no one can be sure. Lamias, Evil Fairies, Demons, Centaurs, Cerberus, Charbids, Griffins and many more lived there, it was said that A man called Fundy ruled the forest. It's been decades since the creatures of black forest decided to disturb the other islands, it was said that the ruler has been sleeping to recover it's power.

-Magic Academy

Magic Academy is where soon to be mages, marksmans, tanks, fighters go to. They're still students in training and the school provides everything they needed to know. The school is close to black forest so they're extra careful on what sleeps there.

-Azula Lake

Azula Lake is a great attraction for adventurers to go to. Elves used to rule this lake but soon gave it up to humans since they can't take care of it's treasures properly. They trust the humans to take care of it properly and will not hesitate to harm anyone who Dare to steal it's treasures.

•  Gi vías

Gi vías is owned by the Etaireía nystaléon agorión Kingdom. Gi vías is a quiet island, many fighters lived here and they're known to be professional.

-Estaireía nystaléon agorión

Estaireía nystaléon agorión is known by winning the war that lasted for 100 Decades with the Omáda óneiro kingdom. This island is known as a library island, since it was so quiet it can be a library island. It is where the King's childrens lived. They were seperated due to the King's sickness.

-King's Peak

It's where the King of the island lived, Phil. He is known for being a hybrid yet his people chose to accept him for who he is. He is a half human half qrow. He has these big black wings that can take him wherever he wanted. He was known for slaying the great demon King that caused them problems for many years too. For now, he is sick and is away from his childrens. He has to move to another castle because of his sickness, his wife accompanied him through his recovery.

-Frozen Neró

Frozen Neró is known for it's cold climate, travelers who chose to travel here had frozen to death. Sirens had lived here and is known to be over protective to it's property. They're known for their unbelievable beauty and they atteact many men. After attracting them they'll kill them by drowning them or sticking a spear on their hearts.

-Gates Of Hearts

This is where iron golemn lives. Like sirens, they're over protective when it comes to their properties, but nonetheless, they're friendly creatures. It was called the gates of hearts since it's in the middle of the island.

-Minoan Maze

Minoan Maze Is known for it's beauty. It's a famous attractions for travelers and adventurers. Minoan Maze is also guarded by Lenonins. If you wish to venture the great Minoan Maze, you'll have to talk to them. That's the thing, Leonins aren't very much of a talker.

-The Ruins of Tavacan

It was used to be a city, but due to the war that happened decades ago, it was destroyed and all of the people that used to live there is now long dead.

•gi tou efiálti

gi tou efiálti is owned by the Omáda óneiro kingdom. It is known that many tanks and marksmans lives there. They were skilled and will not allow you to enter the island if you're from the other islands.

-Omáda óneiro

The Omáda óneiro Kingdom is owned by Three kings. It is known that the three of them were great friends since birth and will do anything to protect their island. The island is known for being the secured island out there.

-The Skotádi Forest

It is known that mini dragons lived there but no one knows. Many marksmans and tanks went there to kill them but not a single one of them came back alive.

-The Abyss Wasteland

It is known to be an attraction for adventures but is closed when the Griffins had invaded the area. Tanks had been trying to lower the reputation of the griffins but is having a problem. For now, it is known to be The Abyss Wasteland.

-Eye of Despair

It is known where the fairies and pixies lived. They're not the normal fairies you'll see out there, they're fairies that kills humans for foods. It is once a school but is invaded by the fairies. It is located on one of the largest mountains that the island have. They had closes the areas to prevent any travelers on going there.

-City of Dreamland

Despite of all the problematic and evil creatures living in the island, this city never fails to amaze adventurers and travelers. It is known as the city of the island and is where most of the attractions came from. This city is famous for it's overuse of lanterns. One of it's attractions is that when it reaches dawn, the clouds will go down and you can touch them. It'll make you feel like you're in dreamland.

-Orphanage of Hope

It is said that one of the Kings had built this orphanage to mock one of their enemies on the other islands, they never expected for it to be successful so they kept it running.

[More places will be unlock as the Story goes.]

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