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He teported back to the room and when he came back sally was already changed to one of his shirt and sweatpants, the shirt was too big for her, making her look small on the outfit.

Sally was talking to Y/N on the balcony, their back turned to him. When Y/N noticed his presence she turned to face him, Y/N then waved at him.

He walked towards them, "Can I get my scroll now?" She asked politely, wanting to see if it still works.

"Sure, wait here." He then disappeared again.

When he disappeared Y/N turned to sally, "does he own this castle?" She asked.

Sally shook her head, "Oh no! He just lives here. He's the medic in this castle." She explained.

Y/N nodded, "Then whose castle is this?"

Sally smiled, "It's King Phil's castle."

Y/N eyes almost fall down out of their socket on how wide she opened them, "What!" She exclaimed.

She didn't know that she's on their castle since she never got the chance to go here once, "Why? Is something wro-" before sally can continue the girl had already burst outside the room.

"Wait!" Sally exclaimed, running after the girl.

When she exited the room she saw Y/N turn to a corner and she quickly ran after her, her legs hurting on how she was running. When she turned to the corner Y/N was already gone.

"What- where did she go?" Sally asked to herself before going to find her.


You skid to a halt to catch your breathe, you panted as you look around. Trying to find some familiar face, you looked outside in a window to see that the sun was already gone and that the moon was already displayed on the sky.

You cursed under your breathe and turned to a corner and was about to run again before a voice stopped you.

"Who are you?" A voice spoke up.

You turn around and the person and you gasped.



You ran forwards and throw your hands around the tall guy, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to a hug. "Where have you been? What're you doing here?" He asked, pulling away to see if you have any wounds.

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