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He have dem pretty privileges


You watched from the shadow as your father stepped foot in the purple portal, your eyes shined with sparkles in them as you stepped out of the dark when you saw him disappeared in the portal.

With an excited smile on, you jogged up to the portal and examined the purple portal. Purple particles comes out of it as your eyes widened in amazement, curiosity got the best of you and without thinking you put your arm on the portal and pushed through.

You look to see the other end of your arm entered the portal, it was a weird feeling. But then you remembered that your father was there. With that you smiled and stepped inside the portal.

Your body felt so weak, your head hurts and your legs feels jelly. You were feeling nauseous, your body felt like a noddle, with your little strenght left you pushed forward and walked forward.

You fell forward to your knees, the temperature suddenly dropped. It was so hot, incredibly hot. Tears brimmed in your eyes, you then looked up..

Your eyes widened, there as no sun to greet you. Just an endless celing of crimson red. A river of lava were under a castle looking home, on the bridge of the castle were some inhuman roaming around.

Your little eyes spotted a familiar figure, your father. With a large smile on you stood up and ran to the fortress, with your little hands you climbed a wall that prevents you from entering the fortress. You've climbed trees and walls in the over world so it's not that hard for you to climb a simple wall.

Although it's not that hard the wall was hot, it's as if the wall had adapted to the temperature of this world. You lift yourself up and jumped on the bridge, your feet touched the warm ground and you looked around to find your father.

Your eyes spotted your father fighting some skeletons with swords on them, before they can even attack your father he was much more quick and quickly deflecting their attacks.

With an amazed look, you shouted. "Father!" You exclaimed.

Killing the last skeleton on his way, he quickly turn around at your voice. Wide Brown orbs looked at you with worry plsnted in them, he then hurried to you.

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