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You woke up and did your usual thing, take a shower, eat and train. After that, you decided to take a walk around the city again. You get your dress ready and was already at the gate.

You saw the guard talking to someone and them giving a card to the guard. The guard then nodded and they walked away. The guard turn and around and saw you.

"Hello Princess Y/N!" He greeted.

You nodded and smiled in return, "Hello." You greeted back. He then looked at the card in his hand then looked at you. "May I take a look what that may be?" You asked, tilting your head as you stare at the card and the guard.

The guard nodded, giving the card to you. You thanked the guard and walked back to the castle. You went straight to the throne room and knocked. You heard a muffled "come in" and you opened the massive doors.

"Mom! Dad! Look at this" you slightly exclaimed as you walked towards them. The two lovers point their attention at you and raised an eyebrow "what is it?" Aiden spoke.

You handed the letter to them and sat on your throne, on the throne room, there was Three throne. One for your mother and one for your dad. Before you were adopted, the third throne has always been empty, now that you're here it has changed.

Your father opened the envelope, pulled out a paper and read it out loud.

"Greetings, The Damon Family!

We're from the school Magic Academy, where all of our soon to be warriors go! Would it be too much to ask your daughter to volunteer to be our Temporary Trainer for a week? It would be wonderful if you agree. It'll also be fine if you decline, Please think wisely!

-Magic Academy"

Your father finished. You looked at the two of them with hope in your eyes, you really wanted them to agree, you wanted to explore more. You'd be lying if you say you don't feel bored here in the castle.

"Well, the decision is yours sweetheart. Do you want to go?"

Your mother asked, a large smile was immediately displayed in your lips and you stood up and yelled,

"Fuck yeah!"

Your mother's smiling face turned to a frown. "Watch your language, Missy." She scolded and your father only chuckled in amusement. You looked down and rubbed your neck, chuckling nervously and muttering a small "sorry.." After that, the three of you discussed more and then you're dismissed.

You were told that you'll leave tomorrow morning so you have plenty time to pack some of your clothes. You walked inside your room and started packing the clothes you'll need.

The day passed and it was finally the day you'll go to the school. You woke up in the morning, did your routine and wore your outfit for today.

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