Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Ian pulled his car in his driveway since he basically lived opposite me. I turned to him with a huge smile. "This definitely had to be the best day of my life. I enjoyed it so much. Thank you." I told him earnestly. I did have an amazing day. After such a shitty day, this was definitely worth it.

"Don't mention it." He replied while giving me his dazzling smile. I melted inside. God, why did he have to be so damn cute! 

"Besides,....this can count as our first date." He said unsurely. My mouth opened at this. He was looking at me the entire time without blinking an eye. His eyes were expectant. I opened my mouth to say something and closed it again. My heart rate became suddenly very fast. I couldn't look at him. 

Did he want this to happen between us? Of course, Scarlett, stop acting so dumb! He asked it indirectly but still I was unsure of how to react. 

"Are you sure?" I asked him quietly. I had suddenly became very unsure of myself after today because obviously today was a very shitty day. 

I had gone through a very embarrassing as well as disturbing phase. I don't think I will ever recover from that and I had not thought that Ian of all people would ask me out on a date. Well basically we did go out in a date but now it was upto me to to decide whether or not it was supposed to be a date or not. See what I mean? How weird this situation is?! 

I was kinda still speechless. Ian definitely must be thinking ,'Why did I even bother asking her of all people!' Sucks to be me. My moral is so less, poor me.

"My parents must be waiting for me. Um.... I should go." I said abruptly. I quickly got out of the car and walked out of the door. I already had my house's keys with me so I didn't have to ring the bell. 

I didn't dare turn around. I had obviously hurt him with my bluntness and now it was impossible for me to reverse the situation. 

When I was finally inside my house, I leaned against the door and sighed. What did I do?! Now he'll never talk to me, like ever. 

This was not how the night was supposed to turn out as. I could still see his face when indirectly told him that. He was frowning at me like he wasn't expecting this. Now I regret ever doing that to him. 

Oh my God! I should have said yes when I had the chance but obviously I cannot since I am such a bitch. Ugh! This is so bad.

Luckily there was no one around in the house and I am pretty sure my parents were still out. Charlotte must be sleping or something since she has work tomorrow. 

But I really want to talk to Charlotte about each and everything and let her assure me that everything is going to be fine. But I don't wanna disturb her.

I sighed and went upto my room, sulking the entire way. 

It was really dark in my room as the curtains were closed and all. I switch on the lights.

"Boo!" Someone said from behind me and boy, I screamed so damn loudly, I am hundred percent sure that I gave my neighbours a heart attack. 

I almost fell down but then a hand came upto my mouth and I opened my eyes to see Charlotte grinning at me. 

"What the hell, Charlotte? You scared me to death!" I whisper-yelled at her, afraid to even scare the neighbours again lest they might wanna kill us for disturbing their nights. 

She simply shrugged and then settled on my bed and gave me an expectant look as if I am going to tell her a bedtime story. 

"What?" I was now totally irritated by her behavior. She can be so childish sometimes and she even looks kinda young. 

"Your night? Duh." She said animatedly. 

"What about it?" I asked her. True, I wanted to tell every singlr detail to her but I just wanted to annoy her, for old time's sake.

"Ugh! Tell me how it went with him, the cute boy next door, dumbo." She asked me now fully flustered. When someone kids around her, she doesn't like it, at all. And when someone annoys her, then that person should be prepared to die because it makes her so irritated. 

So I sat down next to her and decided to tell her every single thing about it. I was kinda secretly wishing that she might give me some advice on how to solve everything with him but she was giving me mixed symbols. 

"You've gotta be kidding me." She said when I ended my weird little beautiful messed up story. 

"You actually said that? You positive?" She asked me skeptically. I nodded. Of course Charlotte, you dummy!

"Well, this changes a lot of things. Now most probably, if he still likes you then he will start ignoring you because he fears rejection again. If he doesn't, then he will try and be your good friend. But if he is determined to have you, then most likely he will call you again and try to make a good impression on you. Now I am currently waiting for that to happen because I know it will happen." She said and smiled at me.

"I don't think he will do such a thing now that I shot him down." I said, syill feeling overly guilty about it.

"You can't say that. Has he kissed you yet?" She asked me imploringly.

All I could do was stand there and blush.  Of course he has kissed me! In the library. How could I ever forget that?

"Oh my God, he has. Oh. My Gosh!!" She squealed very loudly. I immediately clamped a hand on her mouth to stop it. 

"Shhh. Charlotte! You are acting like a child." I reprimanded her. She just smirked at me. 

"And you have grown up!" She squealed and hugged me. I so knew she was going to say that!

"So now what do I do?" I asked her once she calmed down. 

"You are going to tell him I like him." She said. Wait what?! 

After looking at my wide eyes, she laughed a little and said ,"Little sis, you are so dense. Obviously, you are going to talk it out with him next morning." She shook her head at me and got up and yawned. 

She stopped mid-yawn and suddenly her eyes went wide at something and she looked at me. I frowned at her. 

"What happened?" I asked her. I looked at what she she was looking at and my heart sunk.

"Scarlett. What is that?" She asked me picked up the paper from the floor.

"Char, it's noth-" I tried to take that paper out of her hand but she turned to me instead.

"It doesn't loo like nothing to me. Who did this? Scarlett, I swear to God, if you don't tell me who-" 

"I don't know! I don't know who did this! It was stuck on my locker for the world to see. " I croaked. Everything that happened today came crashing to me once again and I sat on the bad with a sigh, willing desperately that I don't break down again.

"Scarlett, you know, you should have told me." She said softly. She sat down next to me and hugged me tightly.

"I want to kill that person right now." She said.

"Me too." I replied, trying very hard not to cry, because if I break down now then I won't be able to stop myself.

"Did that person leave a message or something in your locker?" She asked me softly.

"Not that I know of." I shrugged.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it. Did you tell this to your principal?" I shook my head. I had directly left the school after that. I was too ashamed to tell someone.

"Okay, then. You should sleep right now. Don't sweat over it. You might want to gain all your fiestiness for tomorrow. But I promise you we will find that sonuvabitch." She said determinedly.

"Sonuvabitch, really?" I said. She had something on that word and she uses it only for special people, her words not mine.

She shrugged ,"You know me."

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