Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"No! That's not possible." I was on the verge of crying.

But why would they leave each other and what about us? They are letting Char marry so that they don't have to take responsibility of one of their daughters. So that means, they will make me marry someone like Eric, all suave and all? Oh dear. 

But my parents showed signs of divorcing. Almost everyday, you could see different men walking out of our front door. Dad was always either sitting in his room the majority of the time or coming late. So there. The fact that they are sleeping in different rooms altogether accentuated the point. But they are doing nothing  to reverse it all.

That night, Char and I had an 'us' time together after a big big gap.

The next day, I began my routine a little early so that I could skip meeting my parents. I still couldn't grasp the fact that they were leaving each other and I still didn't know how I would act aroung them.

At school, I sat inside the cafeteria to browse "How to prevent parents from divorcing each other". Cliche but it works sometimes. 

There were only some people drifting in and out of the cafeteria but I was really hoping to see Wendy and spill out all the stupid things Mum and Dad are planning to do. I find her right away after half an hour of searching with some basketball jockies. Typical. You see, Wendy has been my bestie since the evolution of Resident Evil, seriously. 

She is that kind of a person who doesn't know what to speak when. She is obviously beautiful, the kind you would see in a beach. She can be a little temperamental but that's how we all are so no comments there. But anyway, she is my good friend and we bitch together. So there.

"Hey," I said as I approached her."Where were you yesterday? I called you so many times but you didn't pick up." 

 "Oh. You know, I was just...Sorry. What happened?" She said with earnest eyes. She knows how my parents are. But duty calls for her. And this duty being her ass of a boyfriend, Jackson.

Wendy and Jackson have been in an on and off relationship for a long time and it has been a while since they last broke up but now they see each other every single day and it gives weird imaginations as to what happens when they break up again. 

I tell her everything from the base to the vantage point. It still gives me thrills to know that something like this would happen to my family. 

Many people come and ask me about how my weekend went. It happens at the sixth period that I get to know that a new student has just started. Some people tell me about how nerdy he is and many tell me how sexy he is. Well, that depends on how old he is. You see, I have a thing with boys who are a little older than me.

I am a sophomore student so I ought to be a little delusional and dreamy but also a little nerdy at the edges. 

Anyway, I came across that newbie at the last hour of the school. His name is Ian. Good name for a cute guy with green eyes. As a student body president, I had to introduce myself to him. 

But what I didn't get was the fact that he had signed in the middle of the semester. No one usually did such a thing. He was one of a kind. 

As I was nearing the school doors to get out of school, someone grabbed me on the wrist and pulled me back in a classroom. As I turn arond, aghast, I see Jay looking down at me seriously.

"Jay, what's going on?" I asked him, my heart rate accelerating with each second.

"I miss you." He says whilst nearing me.

"I miss you too." I said unconsciously leaning toward him. He sweeped his hand across my cheek and laid it there. 

You see, we had broken up our relationship because of the loss of contact. He is a year older than me and we both became too busy with our lives and it somehow affected our relationship and we mutually decided to break up after our one year old relationship. But apparently things were revamping for us. But I didn't want to get together with him.

"Do you wanna go out tonight?" He asked me.

"I can't, Jay. You know that." I said carefully, knowing how much anger contains him. 

"Why not? You know, we were good together but then you started making it worse." His anger surfacing. This was the other reason I broke up with him. 

"Jay, come on. Don't be like that. You know, it wasn't like that." I pleaded with him.

"You are right, it wasn't like that. It was me all along, right? I was at fault. I am sorry I bothered you." He said whilst backing away from me. Clenching his jaw and all. 

"Fine. I will go out with you. 7 am sharp. Bowling Alley. Meet me there." I said harumphing to the door.

I can't believe I am doing this all over again. 

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