Chapter 16

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Chapter '16

When Ian was out of sight, I turned to Char. I was still very much angry at her for leaving me with Ian deliberately and that too twice! Hell, I was furious at her! She must have seen something dangerous on my face because she began backing away from me when I approached her.

"You know, Char, revenge is a bitch." I said whilst cracking my knuckles to scare her, I guess. Not that I was a wrestler or anything. I was quite small, if you ask me.

"I thought karma is a bitch." She asked confused yet smirking.

"Same thing!" I said while running after her. She let out a squeal and then turned around and ran away. I know we are acting like kids right now and I also know that people all around us are probably getting irritated by our behaviour but I don't really care right now.

"But why are you running after me? What did I do?" She gave me a look from her shoulder while dodging people out of her way.

"Oh, I don't know! Maybe you were so busy that you couldn't stop yourself from leaving Ian and me alone the entire time!" I threw her a pointed finger. Then Char stopped and bend down and panted heavily. I did too. I mean, it we clearly lost about ten pounds running like this.

"I just... lost... ten pounds! My...God!" She said. See? That's my sister!

I rolled my eyes at her. Such a drama queen. When I was about to interrogate her again, she was playing with Cruise. I sighed. I am never going to get a serious answer.


"Scarlett! Dinner's ready! Come on down." My mother yelled from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yelled back, a little less loudly. See, the thing was my family was very loud. Even when they talked in the phone, it seemed as if they were talking with someone standing far far away from them. Okay, I know I am exaggerating but that's just how it is. It didn't help the fact that our house had three floors, with the first floor with high ceiling walls. I think Charlotte and me are the only ones less loud over here.

It became very irritating at times but you can't do anything about it.

I was currently tidying up my bedroom. I had nothing else to do, really. I had studied for my Biology test due this Friday so there was no worrying about it. I had finished cleaning up my bed and my closet so now only my desk was remaining which was brimming with books all over it. Not that I was a nerd or anything. Honestly. But this will have to wait for some time.

During dinner, my paents and Char were discussing about her wedding. It was getting nearer so all the preparations were now in full flame. Char was happy now, it seemed and that made me feel less cautious around Eric. Not that I had seen him or anything in the past few days but still.

"So, Scarlett, what are you upto nowadays?" My father asked me, not looking up at me from his phone.

"Um, nothing much." I shrugged. Except for the fact that someone put your daughter's almost naked photo for the whole school to watch. But obviously, I didn't have to tell him that. I was partially over it, I think.

He nodded and then looked up at me and asked ,"All set for Oxford?"

"Yup!" I beamed at him. Going to Oxford University was kind of like my biggest dream. I had no doubt anout that. I wanted to acquire the scholarship to this college since I really didn't want my parents to pay for the huge amount.

"That's good. Just make sure you don't fall in any trouble." He gave me a pointed look and continued eating. I was just gaping at him. Why is he saying such a thing? If so, then does that mean that he knows about it?

I shared an alarmed look with Charlotte. She looked as alarmed as me. I looked down at my plate, not hungry anymore. But I had to go through with this dinner if I didn't want Dad to get suspicious.


I put down my plate in the sink and helped my mom clean up the kitchen. It was nearly 10 pm. It was really quite here, in our house, save from the clattering of dishes washing.

I went upto my room and started cleaning from where I had left.

I put all my books neatly in one corner of my desk. A small piece of paper attracts my attention. It was a sticky note stuck on top of my desk.

It said," Nice to se+-e you getting along with Ian, bitch. We are so over. -Jay"

What. The. Hell!

So last night, he really was here and he had spied on me?He went into my room without my permission. What an ass! And we were already over, if he didn't get the message already. That jerkface. I shoved the sticky note in my barbage bin and hoped that I don't see that A-hole's face ever again.

But why was he even here, of all places? I thought he was just joking about coming here? I just don't get it! One minute, he wants to emain friends and the next he is saying it's over. He was screwing with me big time and I was so over him.

I put my face into my hands and groaned slightly. I didn't realize there were angry tears stinging my eyes untill they fell on my hands. I furiously blinked my eyes. A gust of wind passed over me and I shivered. I involuntarily looked across to my neighbours' balcony. My heart almost skipped a beat at the sight of him actually standing there, looking at me. He raised his hand, acknoledging me. I smiled at him.

He asked me through signs whether I was okay. His face was etched with worry and concern. I nodded my head at him, assuring him. My stomach had thousands of butterflies in it and it seemed like they were never going to go away with how he was looking at me right now.

God, why did you have to give me such a sexy and worried and hot neighbour?

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