Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"Scarlett! Scar!! Wake up!" Someone yelled loudly into my ears. I pulled my blanket up to close my ears from this voice. But, unfortunately, they didn't stop.

"Scarlett! C'mon, I don't have all day! Get up already!"Now I recognized this voice as Charlotte's as I opened my one eye. I snuggled into my pillow as deeply as was possible to deprive myself of my oh-so nice sister.

Surprisingly, she stopped for a minute or two and I graciously thanked the Gods for letting her go.

"OMG! Ian's looking at you right now! Just look across! Look! Look!" Immediately I sat up in bed and turned around, my eyes squinting slightly at the sun's glare. I put my hand over my eyes and focused more intently only to not find any Ian there.

I turned my head to Charlotte, not finding it amusing when she guffawed at my glare towards her. Are all sisters like this? Just trying to seize each and every freaking moment to annoy their sisters? Ugh!

"I so hate you right now, Char!" I muttered and got up from my bed to head towards my bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Yeah, I know. But you only hate me right now not forever." She said cheekily.

"Yeah, whatever." I said.

"Just wanted to remind you that we will be leaving for Church in exactly one hour. So get ready, alright?" She said, while looking at herself through the mirror which was situated just beside my window. Today being Sunday, we had to go to the Church since we were Catholics.

"Hey, Scar? Why is Ian looking at your window?" She asked and I froze. "And why did he just turned away when I grinned at him?" She asked again. Oh God, Charlotte!

"Maybe you scared him away?" I suggested, leaninng against the door. I mean, seriously, why would he be looking through my window? Maybe he wanted to No, no! That thought is so going down the drain.

When I looked at Char, she was still fixing herself her hair, not bothering to reply or tease me about Ian looking through my window, which I was thankful for. She had worn a cream colored skirt and a light pink colored shirt over it which looked really good at her.

I looked through my closet, deciding on what to wear. I decided to go with a dark blue colored sleeveless dress which ended just above my knees.

By the time I had finished putting my clothes out on the bed, Char had already gone.

I quickly took a bath and got ready and went down to eat my breakfast. Everyone was sitting there. No one was really paying attention to one another and silence was reigning the table. My father believed that we should all be silent when sat on the dinner table. And this rule was followed up very seriously by my family. Joy.

Dad was reading a newspaper and eating his cereals. How he does both of that together, I have no idea. Mom was sat opposite him, also eating her pancakes and reading a magazine. Again, I have no idea how they managed to do it. Char was properly eating her breakfast and feeding Cruise under the table. Typical.

"Scarlett, there are pancakes for you on the stove." Mom said, looking up at me and smiling quickly. I smiled back and went to grab it.

I poured some honey on top of it and finally settled down and finished my breakfast.

After some more minutes in silence, everyone started getting up one after the other and went to the car to get to the Church in time before the ceremony started.


We sat in our usual seats and my Mom went ahead to greet someone or the other from her friends. We were quite early, as we always are. So not many people were sat around us. The priest started addressing the people at exactly 10 am and there were about fifteen minutes left for that.

I sighed and leaned back on my seat and stifled a yawn. Sunday church services were really boring because well 1) They were on Sundays and 2) I don't get enough sleep due to it being Sunday. So technically, I was at a big loss here.

"Charlotte, why do we need to come here again?" I asked Char, who was busy looking through the crowds for Eric. Yes, Eric was also a Catholic. My parents had indeed chosen him very wisely, I though wryly.

"Maybe because Ian, of all people is here." She said slyly, smirking at me as she looked at the door and then back at me.

"Very funny, Char. I am so not going to fall for your joke again." I said, stubbornly, crossing my arms across my chest and looking forward. She thinks she can do it again? I think not!

"I am serious! Ian is here." She insisted, looking at me.

"Puh-lease, Char, I know your just teasing me again. So your not gonna win." I shrugged and gave her a sarcastic smile and stared ahead as the priest got on the stage.

"I swear to God, Scar! Look behind you!" She said with wide eyes and then added as a whisper, "In fact, he is looking at you right now and I must say, he looks hot!" She was now fully turned towards me and she was smiling at someone behind me.

"Char, it's fine. I got your joke. Now please can we concentrate on what the priest is saying rather than on an imaginary Ian? Please? Thank you." I asked, and stared ahead, not even bothering to hear her reply.

"Fine! Suit yourself! But when you actually see him here, get ready to hear I told you so." She said and started talking to Eric? I didn't even see him sitting besides her. Strange.

As the priest started talking, I couldn't really concentrate on what he was saying. Why? Because I actually debated whether Ian was there or not. Charlotte always did this to me even when we were younger. She always made up something and then I always believed her but I am seriously over that now. But I just wanted to make sure whether Char was lying or not. So one glance wouldn't matter, right? Right.

I looked at that very spot that Charlotte had pointed out and found out that it was indeed empty! I mentally slapped myself for even believing Char, when deep inside I knew that that brat was always lying. Ugh. To even think that I had hoped for Ian to come! Damn, I must be really dense.

The ceremony was finally over and we all stood up. We were sitting in the second row so we had to wait for everyone behind us to get out before we could go out ourselves.

An old lady, in a yellow colored dress, was sat at the end of our row. A guy, standing next to her, took a hold of her forearm and grabbed her purse from her hands. The person's back was to me and I could only see the guy's brown hair. I smiled at how cute they both looked. Then the guy looked behind him when a person tapped his shoulder from behind. The guy turned around and my eyes widened. Shit. Char was right.

Ian was here.

The only thought that came to my mind was that I was going to have to hear 'I told you so'.

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