important notes

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Hello! Welcome to my story! Some of you may be new readers, and some of you may have already read one or two of my other stories. Either way, welcome! I'm so happy you're here.

I have a few notes that I hope you'll read before you pop into the story! Thank you if you stay. <3

1) This story exists in the same universe as Thorn — my Neville Longbottom fanfiction! You do NOT need to read that fic to understand what is going on in this fic as each can stand alone on their own. However, just letting you know that Briar (my oc in that story) will be present in this fic occasionally. Those who didn't read this welcome page will probably be very confused as to who she is. 😉

2) The main character in this fic is a Hufflepuff. I'm sorry if that is upsetting to you, but I really wanted to do another Hufflepuff because I realized that how I portrayed the Hufflepuff in my George fic was "stereotypical Hufflepuff" in some ways. I wanted to switch it up with this character. Hufflepuff is a very dynamic and varied house, and I'm happy to portray another side of it.

3) If you read The Girl Who Hid, this main character will be quite different than her, but the two Hufflepuffs will still have more similarities than this mc will to Briar (Thorn's mc). For those of you who read TGWH and felt sad that she wasn't with Draco, this fic is for you.

4) If you leave any hateful comments to other people or about Hufflepuff house (this happened frequently on TGWH), I will not hesitate to delete your comments and/or mute you.

5) Also on the topic of comments, please do not leave hate comments towards me or other readers. Even threats that you write "as a joke" can be seen as hurtful, so please be cautious with what you post. 💛 ILY.

6) For those of you who have read Thorn, DO NOT SPOIL BRIAR'S STORYLINE. I will delete your comments and mute you if you do that, and I really don't want to have to do that to you, okay? Side note: if you see anyone spoiling things, and I didn't see it, tag me or message me. Thank you.

7) Important: Draco will be a jerk at the start of this fic and gradually become more soft. He's certainly never going to reach Neville level soft, but as this is an AU, I'm going to tweak him a bit. I refuse to make a toxic romance, and since he's a literal bully in canon, he will be a little bit different as the story progresses (but if you read Thorn, you know that he isn't soft/kind in their earlier years).

8) THIS IS A SOULMATE AU. There are hints at who their soulmate is every year starting in 3rd.

9) The first couple years of their schooling will move quickly because we don't need children flirting. No thank you.

10) This is a slow burn fic (as my others have been as well), so be aware the couple does not get together right away.

11) Lastly, I will be updating this story twice a week until I finish writing it. For now, I plan to update on Mondays and Fridays. Once I finish writing it, I will move to an every day updating schedule.

Okay, now that those are out of the way. Enjoy the fic!

/ Lizz /

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