chapter 18: daddy's boy

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Draco Malfoy | 4th Year

It was Halloween morning, and Draco was in a sour mood from the moment he woke up. He made his way to breakfast where he knew they would be announcing the Triwizard Champions, but Draco quite literally couldn't care less. What did pique his attention was the other whispers he heard that morning, whispers about a girl who supposedly already hooked up with one of the Beauxbatons boys.

He snickered until he saw his pen pal, that sweet girl who liked to collect wildflowers for the house elves and treated him with unceasing kindness despite how horribly he had spoken to her when they first met. His blood was boiling at the sight of the students snickering at her behind her back. How dare they make her feel like anything less than a princess?

When Pansy joined in on the whispering, he snarled, "Shut up, Pansy." He had never felt as infuriated with Pansy as he had in that moment.

The Beauxbatons boy in question came sauntering into the room with a smug grin, but he rearranged his features into a look of empathy when he saw how the girl was sitting alone and receiving numerous nasty looks. He plopped into the seat beside her, and she tensed at first, but after he said some things to her, she seemed to relax. Draco's fists clenched on either side of his plate.

"Why do you care, Draco?" Pansy wondered with a hand placed on top of his.

"I don't," he snapped and shook her hand off.

Briar Davies arrived, and everyone immediately stopped their gossiping. They seamlessly transitioned into more mundane topics, such that Briar didn't seem to notice. Draco figured this was for the best. No one needed Briar going on a violent rampage like she did when Flint bothered a girl last year.

So, Briar ate her eggs and toast without a clue and rolled her eyes when she caught Draco glaring at her for a prolonged amount of time. "What do you want, Daddy's boy?" she asked as she ate.

"Shut your bloody mouth, Davies," Draco snarled and started to lurch towards her, but Pansy grabbed the back of his robes to stop him.

Briar saw this and slowly smiled. She stabbed a bit of egg rather aggressively and just stared at Draco.

Draco's eyes narrowed to dangerous slits, so Briar cocked her head to the side.

"That's adorable, really. What are you playing at, Malfoy?" Briar said. She wore an amused grin while she munched into her toast extra noisily.

"That's it," Draco tried to reach across the table towards Briar, but Pansy snapped at him and scrambled to hold him back. She was slightly terrified that her boyfriend wouldn't come out in one piece if he tried to challenge her possibly deranged roommate.

Luckily for all of the Slytherins, any brewing battle between the two was squashed when Dumbledore began to speak about the Goblet of Fire.

When Harry's name came out of the Goblet, Draco rolled his eyes. "Of course Potter's name came out. I wouldn't have expected anything less."

As the chaos broke out in the room, Draco's eyes unwillingly wandered back over to the Hufflepuff table and found a certain blonde. She was sitting stiffly and staring down at her plate. That curly-haired boy beside her leaned in close and said something to her, and one of Draco's eyes began to twitch. He must be dehydrated, Draco decided and then gulped down his entire glass of water while his eyes stayed on the pink-cheeked girl and the twat beside her.



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