chapter 30: hidden messages

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Lorelei Jones | 4th Year

A few days later, Lorelei went back to her window seat study spot in the largely unused corridor. She set her bag in the window and was about to hoist herself up into the seat when she noticed a torn piece of parchment attached to the wall where her back normally rested.

Her eyebrows came together as she leaned forward and gently snatched the piece of parchment off the wall. The script was neat and vaguely familiar, but she was far too tired and distracted to determine where she remembered it from.

Hi, beautiful. I hope you don't have too much trouble with your studies today.

She stared down at the note in her fingers while her mouth twitched up into a small smile, but confusion welled up inside her. Why on earth was Draco Malfoy wishing her well on her studies? And how had he remembered this was where she liked to study?

Lorelei tucked this note into the side of her bag after she glanced around to ensure there wasn't anyone nearby. She clambered up into the window sill after and tugged her knees to her chest. She began studying for Charms class, but something in her chest continued to flutter long after she had read that sweet note.

He called her beautiful.

It was a few weeks later before anything else happened. Lorelei had happily sat down in her usual seat at the Hufflepuff table. She was giddy with the knowledge that she and Luna were going to go visit Hagrid later as he had just returned to the school, and she was also excited for the upcoming informational meeting with Harry Potter and his friends about this army they were creating. Truthfully, it slightly scared her to think of herself as joining an army, but after the loss of that kind Hufflepuff boy last year, Lorelei wanted to help in any way she could.

In this pleasantly happy state, Lorelei approached the Hufflepuff table and smiled at her watchful roommates. They looked away when she smiled at them, and their previous conversation about Herbology continued on.

Lorelei wasn't paying them any attention though, for she realized there was something taped to the underside of the table where she was sitting. With subtle movements, she removed the piece of parchment and set it next to her plate where her roommates wouldn't be able to see it. With her lips pursed and eyebrows drawn together, Lorelei unfolded the paper, but she blinked after quickly scanning the note.

Hi, princess.

Yes, this note is for you.

I actually haven't anything to say, but I just wanted to see how your cheeks get that adorable bit of color in them whenever I call you princess.

Enjoy your food, princess.


True to his expectations, Lorelei's cheeks flushed as soon as she read that nickname, and she slowly glanced up at the Slytherin table.

Draco freaking Malfoy was staring at her. Why was he staring at her? He seemed to stare at her a lot, didn't he? Why was he doing that? Was she weird? Like a zoo animal? Did she look funny? Did-?

Lorelei stopped her train of thought that had been barreling headfirst towards a collision, and she noticed the small smirk on Draco's lips while he looked back down at his breakfast plate. He ate his eggs and toast normally, but the little half-smirk, half-smile expression he wore led Lorelei to believe that he knew exactly what he was doing.

The blonde Hufflepuff groaned, earning her the unwanted attention of her roommates. Emily narrowed her eyes at Lorelei while Heather rolled hers and grumbled about Lorelei's unexplained groan.

To keep the attention away from her and her note, Lorelei awkwardly laughed, "Oh, sorry. I just realized I forgot my quill in the dorm. I think I might have a spare in my bag though."

Her roommates didn't respond, but they stopped looking at her, and Lorelei's shoulders uncoiled once she realized this. Their attention made a prickly feeling settle over her skin, and for some reason, she really didn't want them to learn about this note from Draco Malfoy.

It was hers, not theirs. Her notes from Draco were sweet and confusing, but they were private and made her feel special too. She wondered if Draco would send her another. She hoped he would, although she wasn't sure why his small gesture had already so easily captured her heart.

It was just a note. Right?



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