chapter 14: pen pal archives

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Draco Malfoy | Lorelei Jones | GOF

As the weeks moved by, the written communication between the two students remained constant. Their letters were endless and a source of immeasurable happiness for them both.

As Lorelei shared all of the most personal pieces of herself with her new "friend," Draco slowly let his guard down and began to trust her as well. It was a mutual trusting of the other, and both of them felt grateful for the other. In addition, they both became giddy whenever the other had filled up the last space on the parchment, for it meant they got to keep that piece. Secretly, they both had started their own "pen pal archives" with these notes tucked away in safe places.

Lorelei and Draco both loved to look back at these archives from time to time, and it was a Saturday when Lorelei and Draco were both unknowingly mulling over the shared words of their letters.

[From: Draco]

You didn't respond in a few days. Did something happen, or did you just forget about me?

Also — I've never heard of these Muggle bands or of burning mixtapes as you called it. I'm not sure I could really bring such contraband back to my own home, and I'm not certain how I'd be able to listen to such a "mixtape," but maybe I would listen to it if you could solve those problems.

I don't understand how you don't have friends. You are nice. I am not, so it doesn't make sense to me that you shouldn't have friendships.

My birthday is in the summer. I don't celebrate much, but my parents usually buy me presents. What do you do for your birthday?

[From: Lorelei]

Hi!! No worries about the mixtape, maybe I can bring my player back when I go on winter break, and I can share some songs with you then!

It's okay about the friendships. I mean, I do have one best friend and now you! I think some people are just busy and have too many friends already or something. They aren't unkind. They just don't seem to notice me much.

I like to spend my birthday with the Hogwarts house elves. They make me cookies, and I bring them flowers. I like to collect all the wildflowers I can find on the school grounds to give them to the elves in thanks. They are always so sweet to me, and it's one way I can repay them.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? I think I would go to the states because my mum is there for her work, and I miss her.

Okay, bye!

[From: Draco]

I would notice you. At least I think I would. What year are you in?

My instinct is to judge you for spending so much time with the house elves, but truthfully, my house elf at home was the source of so much support for me growing up. For many of my early years, he was my only friend. He's been given freedom now, so he's gone. It gets quite lonely in my house now.

Don't ever share this information, okay?

I'm not sure where I'd like to go. The states would be interesting as I've never been, but I've traveled a lot with my family.

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