chapter 1: her prince charming

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Draco Malfoy | 3rd Year

Draco sat in his compartment with the other boys in Slytherin and rolled his eyes dramatically when Crabbe and Goyle began arguing over who would have the window seat. They were both hovering over him and shoving at one another to try to get to the seat, but they completely missed Blaise and Theo sneaking up on them. Theo settled into the spot next to the window, and Crabbe and Goyle loudly complained when they realized.

"Malfoy." Blaise plopped beside Draco with a cheeky grin. He nudged Draco with a sharp elbow and teased, "You look thrilled about getting your first soulmate letter tomorrow."

Draco didn't bother replying. He merely rolled his eyes and looked out the window. However, despite his refusal to participate, the conversation continued around him undeterred.

"I bet you boys are just dying to learn who your soulmate is," Blaise said. He wore a smug grin as he glanced at his four Slytherin roommates.

Crabbe and Goyle both flushed at the thought. Draco pursed his lips in annoyance and continued to stare out the window, and Theo...well, Theo hadn't heard a lick of what Blaise said because he was too busy rifling through his school bag. He desperately needed to find where his wand had disappeared to. He swore he had put it in the pocket of his trousers when he left for the train, but now it was nowhere to be found.

With a dazzling smile, Blaise carried on with his conversation that couldn't have bored Draco more. What a waste of breath this entire conversation was. It didn't matter who Draco's soulmate was, for he already knew that his father would ensure he got whatever he wanted, and this included a girlfriend. When Crabbe and Goyle blushed, it made Draco scoff. God, what were they? A bunch of girls?

"Got something to say, Malfoy?" At Draco's bitter noise, Blaise turned towards him with a snarky reply already forming on his lips. "You think you're better than soulmates?"


Annoyance flashed in Blaise's eyes, but Goyle intercepted the brewing fight. "Who are you hoping it is, Blaise?"

Blaise mulled this over for a moment, acting as if this was an incredibly serious question, a life-or-death one at that. He rose to his feet and put his hand on his chin and paced the compartment. This greatly annoyed Draco and pulled Theo from his panicked search of his bag. Everyone except Draco watched when Blaise swung open the compartment door and stuck his head out. He looked left, then right quickly and then slowly smirked when his eyes fixed on something.

Or rather, someone.

Without closing the door, Blaise turned back to the group and whispered in a conspiratorial tone, "Briar Davies. I'm going to get Briar Davies."

"Uh, mate, you might want to choose a different target for your obsession," Crabbe pushed out with worried glances sent to Goyle, who wore an equally concerned expression.

"And why in Merlin's beard would I want to do that?" Blaise bit out with a scowl now covering his features. He stalked towards Crabbe and Goyle a few steps, but this time, Thing 1 and 2 weren't the ones to answer his question.

"Because she's not interested in love in the slightest, Blaise," Theo replied coolly. He then immediately went back to his bag to search for his wand again. His eyes even began to sweep the floor in case it had fallen there, but he still didn't see any sign of his beloved wand.

Blaise looked to the other boys with a deep scowl on his face. A silence settled over the group while they let this sink in for Blaise, but Draco's fun had just gotten started with this change in conversation.

"Hmm, no. You should definitely try to go after her. It'll be very...entertaining for the rest of us," Draco snickered and crossed his arms over his chest.

The hills of Scotland were drifting past Draco's view out the window, and for a minute, he felt at ease watching them. Something about the journey back to Hogwarts always soothed him slightly, even if he often missed Narcissa while he was away.

This peace for Draco lasted only a brief few seconds before Blaise crossed the few steps between them with a hateful look in his narrowed eyes. He dipped closer to Draco with venom in his voice. "It's because she was just waiting for me, her prince charming, this entire time," Blaise said with a challenge glinting in his eyes.

Draco had no interest in Briar at all. In fact, the thought of one of his roommates being romantically interested in her made him feel sick. He just could never see Briar Davies like that, even if he had noticed the way his father and hers seemed to be pushing the two of them together. No matter what their fathers wanted though, Draco quite frankly despised Briar.

However, Draco was never one to back down from a challenge of egos, and now he had his sights set on humiliating and infuriating Blaise at every opportunity he got. It didn't matter how sick the thought of it made him feel, and it certainly didn't matter that he quite possibly hated Briar after how she had punched him last year. Draco would prove Blaise wrong, and he knew that along with Briar's unknowing assistance, Blaise's fragile ego would be shattered before the end of the year.

He slowly smiled at his friend and said, "We'll see about that, Blaise."

"I guess we will, Malfoy," Blaise spat out in response before he sauntered out of the compartment and nearly crashed into a younger Hufflepuff girl who was passing at that very moment.


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Thank you!! I hope you are all having a wonderful day and are as excited for this story as I am. Please take care of yourself, eat some good food, drink some water, and do something nice for yourself today.

I love you all. 💛


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