chapter 47: i only wanted to protect you

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Lorelei Jones | 5th Year

The soft sound of water lapping against the nearby windows dragged Lorelei from her peaceful slumber. She blinked a few times in deep confusion, stiffening completely once she became aware of the arm draped over her side.

Her breath caught. She was cuddling with someone.

Her heart began to race, but as she twisted to focus on the face of the person beside her, she was able to relax again.

It was Draco.

He was sleeping with such a peaceful and content look on his face that Lorelei was certain no one would believe that such a kind-looking boy could be considered the bully of Hogwarts. She couldn't contain her joy as she watched the little puffs of air going in and out of his parted lips.

His grip around her tightened, and butterflies jumped around her stomach wildly. She couldn't believe this was actually happening, but she didn't hate it.

Not wanting to move and wake him, Lorelei slowly turned her head to take in her surroundings. She was still wrapped up in Draco's arms with her back pressed against his chest as she visually explored the room. She hadn't gotten the chance to properly inspect it the night before amidst all the chaos and counter curses, so she was grateful for a quiet moment to do so now.

The bedding of each boy's bed was a different dark shade, with Draco's being by far the darkest. Theo's bed was a dark green, but it was the lightest of the five. She only knew that bed was his because she had seen him climb into it the night before, but he was nowhere to be seen beneath his mountain of forest green blankets and pillows.

There were a series of circular windows up high on the walls of the dorm with about a third of the glass covered with the lapping water of the Black Lake. Most of the room's windows were covered in thick, blackout curtains, but one window had been left uncovered on the other side of the room. It was the side with two empty beds, still just as messy as they were when Lorelei went to sleep.

They must have been Crabbe and Goyle's beds.

A wave of nausea slammed its way up her throat, and she placed the back of her hand over her mouth in an attempt to subdue this unwelcome sensation. She was about to get up to rush to the dorm's bathroom, but Draco's arm around her tightened and pulled her more flush against his chest. He snuggled his face into the crook of her neck, and his nose brushed against her skin, making her stomach tumble and flip.

With this comforting and butterfly-inducing gesture, Lorelei's anxious nausea disappeared. She reached a hand down and intertwined her fingers in Draco's, liking the way his cool hand fit so perfectly in hers. Her dainty fingers and small palms were encased by his larger ones, and this too sent more peace melting over her skin.

She was okay.

Her actions of grabbing Draco's hand jarred him from his sleep, and he soon began to stir, his breaths becoming more rapid as he came to. He slightly rolled onto his back and then stiffened once he realized the circumstances.

He was tangled up with Lorelei.

Draco began to pull away, so Lorelei flipped onto her other side to smile up at him. He blinked in surprise to see her acting so pleasantly towards him. He expected her to completely hate him again, once she was rested and healed. Yesterday wasn't a normal day, after all.

However, his assumptions didn't seem to be the case at all.

Draco lifted a hand to brush back a couple messy strands of hair from her eyes. He didn't want anything to obscure his view of the turquoise pools he had grown to adore so much.

"I'm so sorry, princess. I'm so bloody sorry about everything I did to hurt you," Draco whispered, his eyes round and sincere. He kept running his fingers through her hair once he noticed how it calmed her.

She relaxed at his touch and murmured, "I know I shouldn't, but I do forgive you." She reached out to play with the rings on his other hand. She twisted them around mindlessly as her lips pouted slightly in deep thought.

"Did you even want to kiss me?"

"I had wanted to kiss you for a long time, but I was waiting until you were ready," Draco confessed. He stopped running his fingers through her hair and began to instead rub his thumb across her cheek. His eyes dipped down to her lips momentarily.

"But you kissed me to distract me," Lorelei said with a heavy heart. Her throat started to feel thick with emotion again, and she hated that anyone should see that. She started to turn away, but Draco's words drew her back in.

"I did not kiss you to distract you. I must be honest in telling you that I did take you there to distract you — I just couldn't stand the thought of you being hurt by that monstrous woman — but I never intended to kiss you to do so."

Lorelei blinked rapidly at this confession and stared up at the dark ceiling. She didn't know what to think, but her soul had made up its mind. Her body was relaxing, and she started to slowly melt back into his embrace again.

"I'm really sorry that I wasn't just honest with you. I never meant to hurt you. I only ever want to protect you," Draco promised and placed a hand on either of her cheeks to make sure she looked him in the eyes and saw the truth there.

She slowly put her arms around him again. She liked the idea of him protecting her, keeping her safe. It made her feel wanted and chosen, something she wasn't used to. With her heart full now, Lorelei whispered, "I know you didn't order Crabbe and Goyle to hurt Neville Longbottom two years ago. I know that now."

"I wish I could have told you so myself, but I had no idea what was happening," he sighed and began to play with her soft hair again.

She snuggled her face into his chest and then paused to see if Draco was alright with it, but he secured an arm around her further, and Lorelei knew that everything was okay. She was safe here. She was chosen.

Neither of the pair noticed the way Blaise had been listening to their conversation, nor did they notice the way he stiffened. They both drifted back into their own slumbers as Blaise genuinely cried for the first time in years.



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