chapter 49: you're too good to me

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Draco Malfoy | 6th Year

On the day of their study date, Draco informed Lorelei that he had no intention of studying with her if she was alright with that. Lorelei had of course said that was fine; she was just happy to spend time with Draco.

Per Draco's request, Lorelei was bundled up in her jumper and a thick scarf and was heading towards the astronomy tower that evening. It was late, and she had told Draco she was worried about being out past curfew, but he had proudly showed off his shiny prefect badge and reminded her that no one would be bothering them.

This comforted Lorelei, enough that she was now marching towards the astronomy tower with a few pink flowers from her last trip to Hogsmeade. She couldn't wait to give them to Draco. She remembered when he came up to her in third year and wanted one of the pink flowers she was collecting, so she hoped he liked these ones. She thought they were quite beautiful, and Draco seemed to have a similar taste in flowers.

As Lorelei climbed up the last of the steps of the tower, arms gently swept her off her feet and tugged her close to a warm chest. Once she realized it was Draco, Lorelei couldn't help the warm giggles that filled the otherwise quiet air in the tower. It was a delighted sound, and Draco wanted it to be the soundtrack of his life. He could never grow tired of the melodic joy Lorelei's lungs produced that day.

"Don't smush my flowers!" Lorelei squeaked through her giggles.

Draco laughed and brought his mouth to her ear. His breath tickled her and made her laugh even more as he spoke.

"I'm going to smush you," Draco teased, but Lorelei eyebrows came together.

"What on earth does that even mean?" she laughed and wiggled her way out of Draco's arms. She backed away from him with a shy smile and her flowers carefully held in her small fists. After a beat, she said, "These are for you. I remember how you liked the pink flowers in third year."

Draco gave a final laugh at their earlier playfulness before his eyes narrowed on the beautiful pink bulbs. He closed the space between them again and carefully took the flowers away from her. One by one, Draco placed them in Lorelei's hair and behind her ears.

"Something so beautiful should be adorned by the most beautiful girl to ever exist," Draco whispered as he put the last flower into Lorelei's golden hair. Her cheeks flamed as she grinned up at him. It seemed to Draco that sunshine was dancing in her eyes, even though the sun was nearly set already at the late hour.

"Thank you, Draco." Lorelei blushed and caught his falling hand. She intertwined their fingers and began to absently play with the rings on his fingers as she finally took in the scene around her.

Draco hadn't had much time to set up, but he did manage to bring one of his quilts up to rest on the floor of the tower. He brought some pillows for Lorelei and himself to lay on, and he had a stack of Muggle books he had borrowed from Theo to show to Lorelei. Around them were a couple flowery candles, reluctantly given to him by Pansy, who was still unforgiving towards him for his crimes against Lorelei.

"C'est tellement beau," Lorelei breathed, unaware that she hadn't spoken English. Tears clouded her vision, so she missed Draco's perplexed expression.

"What?" he asked after searching her face constantly for any sign that she didn't like this. He would fix it, whatever the problem was. If she hated the candles, he'd bloody well throw them off the astronomy tower before he let it ruin the perfect night he had planned for Lorelei.

Lorelei looked at him with glossy eyes and tilted her head to the side. "I said, this is so beautiful. Did I speak too quietly? I tend to do that a lot with my roommates."

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