chapter 21: you daft muppet

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Draco Malfoy | 4th Year

While he wasn't able to accept their affections anymore because of Pansy's possessiveness, Draco continued to receive heaps of attention from girls, even after their date. Even if Draco knew that Pansy wouldn't allow him to be involved with these other girls anymore, that didn't mean that he didn't lap up all the attention they were still sending him. Secretly, he was so entertained when they did so in front of Pansy. Her reactions were quite...amusing.

Although, Pansy never seemed to mind when Briar came in. Despite Draco's constant attempts to harass Briar in their third year, Pansy didn't seem threatened at all whenever Briar tried to talk with Draco. They couldn't be soulmates because their letters didn't match up, and Briar had already expressed clear disinterest in Draco on numerous occasions.

Truthfully though, Pansy was terrified that some girl who was prettier or wealthier or better than her would come along, and she wasn't sure how she could compete in that case. She gave Draco all of her attention and affection and hoped that it was enough. He was the boy she had been crushing on for years, but she had kept it hidden at the start of their schooling because she was scared. She knew she wasn't enough for him. He was perfect, and he wouldn't ever see her like that. With time, other girls started to notice him too, and she couldn't stand the thought of them flirting with the boy she had fancied for so long, so she did the same thing as them. She became someone else. She became the girl she thought he wanted, and it worked. He never noticed the old Pansy, but he seemed to like this one.

Pansy tried not to notice that Draco had become even more irritable that the source of power and control from his serial dating was now gone for him. Pansy intercepted any girl who dared to smile at him. So, Draco's cruelty only mounted to new heights as he tried to seize power in other ways, and in this case, that meant bullying.

"You're such a prick." Theo rolled his eyes and grumbled under his breath after Draco shoved a first year out of the way, causing the student to crash into the wall at the force of his shoving. The two Slytherin boys were currently marching down the corridors back to the Slytherin common room after breakfast, and Draco was being an absolute git, like usual.

"What was that, Nott? Got something to say to me?" Draco bit out with a nasty scowl sent Theo's way.

Theo rolled his eyes and ignored his blond-haired roommate. He stared out at the rain pouring in the courtyard as they passed a series of windows. The weather outside was infinitely more interesting to him than Draco's sour attitude and obnoxious ego.

The two of them were approaching a corner, and suddenly a blonde girl came sprinting around the edge of it and was heading straight towards Theo. She didn't seem to have any realization that she needed to move a few steps away as she was actively trying to move her long hair out of her face.

Theo was distracted because he was still trying to ignore Draco, so the blond Slytherin reacted instinctively to stop the oncoming collision. He stepped in front of Theo without thinking and grabbed onto the girl to stop her rapid movements. From the force of her speed, she crashed straight into Draco and made him stumble back a few steps. Luckily, Theo had noticed Draco's sudden movement and moved out of the way before the two person collision became a three person disaster.

Draco stared down at the girl with his mouth hanging slightly open. It was her, the girl he couldn't seem to avoid no matter how hard he tried. The girl who shared his seat in Defense Against the Dark Arts. The girl who had treated him with endless kindness. The girl who loved wildflowers.

Her bright blue eyes shifted up to his grey ones curiously, but fear invaded them not even a moment later.

An unfamiliar crushing weight of despair settled over Draco's chest, but he shoved those feelings — and this girl — away from him. He straightened out his face and stared at her coldly. "Are you okay?" he asked unemotionally, but he knew that even asking the question would seem odd to anyone listening.

She wrung her hands out in front of her and nervously glanced between Draco and Theo, who were both staring at her. Theo held a neutral expression with his eyebrow raised curiously, and Draco's gaze was cold, practically unfeeling. She rambled, "I'm sorry. I'm just running late, and my hair was in my face. I didn't mean to-"

"Are you hurt?" Draco drawled again in a demanding tone.

She swallowed hard and looked between Draco and Theo cautiously. She shook her head and licked her lips.

"Then go," Draco commanded with a harsh stare pinned on her.


"He told you to go, you daft muppet," Pansy sneered when she stepped up to the group. Her arms were crossed over her chest when she stepped up beside Draco. She expected him and Theo to laugh or sneer at the girl too, but she was wrong.

Theo just shook his head at her and turned away. His departure captured Pansy's attention, so the girl slipped away unnoticed.

Draco, on the other hand, didn't let Pansy's rude comment slide so easily. His mounting irritation at her had become unbearable, and this seemed to be the final blow. He snarled, "Shut up, Parkinson."

Pansy flinched at his tone and the use of her last name. He hardly ever did that. He was her boyfriend. How could he say something like that to her? Unless he was already in love with someone else.

"So, you're choosing that mudblood over your own girlfriend?" she said with tears stinging her eyes. She blinked rapidly to keep them at bay. She was already losing him.

"I guess I am."

"You are making a huge mistake, Draco! You're being a twit, and I could be your soulmate!" Pansy pleaded and started to cling to him.

"No, you couldn't be, actually," Draco said with a cold laugh. He shoved her off of him roughly and took a couple steps backward. Seeing the horror settling onto her face, he lost all common sense. He leaned towards her and snarkily whispered, "Because my soulmate's a Muggle-born after all."

"You lied to me?" she squeaked and stared at his unfeeling face with a sort of horror.

"Looks like I did." Draco shrugged and smugly smiled. Without another word, he spun on his heel and beelined straight for the Astronomy Tower to make sure he wouldn't run into any Slytherins who wanted to pick a fight with him over this. He ignored Pansy's sobs as she hurried past him to the dorms.

Well, Draco was single again. When he caught a pair of third year Slytherin girls staring at him, he winked and smirked when they broke into squealing giggles. Oh, it felt good to have this power back again.

His upper lip twitched into a smug smile, and he couldn't find anything in him to feel bad about what he said to Pansy.



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