chapter 4: he probably deserved it

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Draco Malfoy | 3rd Year

He blinked open his eyes, and he was surrounded by sunshine. He could feel its warmth on his skin, surrounding him and coating him in a blanket of safety and comfort. Draco could clearly hear the buzzing of cicadas somewhere nearby, and he knew that it must have been the outskirts of summer, but somehow, he didn't care when he was. He was so much more interested in where he was and who the blonde girl beside him was.

The sunshine seemed to pale in comparison to this blonde girl. The two of them were laying side-by-side in the thick grasses under a vibrant willow tree. It must have been the end of spring, Draco decided.

Draco turned his attention away from the swaying branches above him and the sunshine that was pleasantly warming his entire being. He instead settled his focus on the girl next to him. He couldn't see her face since she was looking at something in the other direction, but her bubbling laughter sounded melodious to Draco's ears.

He lifted a hand and touched the golden strands of hair that were fanned out behind her, and he then noticed a pair of dangling earrings in her ears. He reached out to inspect them further, but she moved her head before he could. He thought there might have been suns hanging off the metal, and he swore nothing would have been more fitting. Sunshine was her accessory because she shined brighter.

"Draco, what are you doing?" she bubbled out a laugh. She started to turn her face to look at him, but Draco was then ejected into a sudden darkness.

Draco sat up in his bed in his dorm with panting breaths. The practically complete darkness of his bedroom contrasted so heavily with his dream, and he was sure that it was a sick joke, just for him. Of course he got to experience that and then bloody lost it.

He whipped off his covers in a huff and stomped his way into his bathroom, not caring who he woke up in the process. He shoved the bathroom door shut and stalked up to the sink. He ran some cold water, splashing it onto his face, but it didn't work to erase his longing that lingered after that dream. It infuriated him that he never got to see the face of that blonde girl.

Draco groaned and dried his face on a towel. His skin was warm and sunkissed, and he frowned at that.

Had his dream impacted his reality? No, no, that wasn't possible, right?

He leaned his elbows on the counter and dropped his face into his hands. Of course it was bloody possible, he realized. He was a wizard, so who knew what cruel jokes the universe could play on him.

Now, his thoughts wouldn't stop circling around that blonde girl that he had no way of finding, and yet again, he knew that it was the universe's way of punishing him. He knew that he probably deserved it.



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