chapter 66: a name is fine

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Lorelei Jones | 6th Year

After she came through the fireplace, Gran immediately enveloped her in a tight embrace. Gran was shaking and squeezing her, but Lorelei ached to be back there and helping her friends.

"You are okay. Thank god, you are okay."

Gran repeated this over and over, but Lorelei didn't share her relief. Three of the people she cared about most were still in danger on the other side of that fireplace, and she couldn't relax until she knew they were okay as well.

"I'm worried, Gran. Draco went to help the others but sent me back. I wish they would let me help. I can help," Lorelei insisted as fiercely as she could, but her voice cracked at the helplessness wafting up inside her.

She wished someone would listen to her, believe her. She wasn't the same little second year who felt out of place in the world. She was nearly sixteen now, and she was strong enough to help now.

It seemed like hours before Luna finally stumbled in through the fireplace. She was covered in dirt and blood, and her skin was bruised in many places, but Lorelei was just relieved to see her alive.

Lorelei pulled out of Gran's grip and enveloped Luna into her arms immediately. Gran tossed a blanket around Luna's shoulders while the two girls hugged.

"I've missed you so much," Lorelei breathed. She blinked to keep her tears at bay, but she had spent far too much time away from her friend.

"I missed you too," Luna hummed. She briefly patted Lorelei on the back in a familiar pattern. When they were younger, Luna said this pattern of patting was for good luck, and Lorelei had been delighted that Luna wished to give her good luck.

Even now, it was wonderful and surprising to Lorelei that someone could care for her that much.

Luna and Lorelei pulled apart a long minute later, and Luna floated to the couch in a daze. She gazed around the room with a slight smile on her face, fascinated to see the place Lorelei called home. She thought it seemed quite nice.

The flames turned green once more, and Lorelei anxiously stared into the fireplace in anticipation of seeing Draco or Theo. However, neither boy emerged. Instead, a vaguely familiar woman with black and white hair and a serious expression took an unsteady step into the room.

Lorelei slowly smiled.

"Mrs. Malfoy?" she asked.

She wanted to capture the older woman in a hug but felt hesitant. Draco had told her about the formality of his relationship with his mother at times, so she figured uninvited hugs would go over poorly. She decided to let Mrs. Malfoy instigate their first hug; she just hoped it wouldn't be too long.

Narcissa brushed her fingers over her clothes quickly to rid herself of any lingering soot. She cautiously took in her surroundings, including the hopefully smiling teen standing a few steps away. The small girl had golden blonde hair that fell over her shoulders with some slight frizz that Narcissa didn't know was always present in the girl's hair. She took in the bright blue eyes and kind smile, and she put the pieces together far more quickly than she wanted to.

She told Draco she didn't want to meet her until after the war.

Nevertheless, she gave a curt nod and a slight grimace. "I prefer Narcissa."

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