chapter 57: stand back, miss jones

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Lorelei Jones | 5th Year

Draco had been having a bad day. He heard unfortunate news from his mum in another cryptic letter, and his worry for her was mounting. Lorelei hated to see him like this, but she knew there was little she could do at the moment.

After receiving the letter, Draco rushed off because he started to get upset and didn't want anyone to see.

Lorelei gave him a moment since she knew how he liked to collect himself a bit privately before she came to him.

Now, it had been a couple minutes, and she was walking towards the nearby bathroom where she presumed he probably went when she heard grunts and yells coming from inside. There was the electric crackle of magic being fired off and curses being screamed.

Lorelei sprinted into the men's bathroom with her wand drawn, just in time to see Harry Potter cast an unknown curse at Draco that sent him flying into his back and bleeding all over. Someone screamed, and Lorelei realized after a few seconds that it was her.

"Get help, Harry! What are you standing there for? Help! Please!" Lorelei cried.

She collapsed at Draco's side and shakily casted every healing spell she knew. Still, Draco's gaze was heavy, and each blink was longer than the one before it. His white shirt was completely soaked with sink water and his blood, and Lorelei had never been more terrified in her entire life.

"Please, Draco, hold on, okay? I'm right here, you just need to hold on, please," Lorelei cried and frantically hoped that Harry had disappeared to get help, not to avoid punishment.

Nevertheless, Professor Snape came running into the bathroom a moment later, and he hastily took the spot on Draco's other side.

"Stand back, Miss Jones," he said without looking up, and Lorelei immediately complied. She stumbled back onto her feet to give the professor room. She held her hands to her mouth and prayed that Draco would make it.

She couldn't lose him. She couldn't lose anyone else.

When Draco's eyes slipped shut, Lorelei cried harder. Somehow, this gave him the strength to open them again. He just focused his tired stare on her and tried to take deep breaths through the mind-shattering pain. Luckily, her healing charms had relieved some of the aches, but the bulk of his suffering had remained the same, and he wasn't sure if he could stand it much longer.

Then, Snape took a deep breath and chanted a spell neither student knew. The blood seemed to reverse, and Draco's pain eased. Lorelei laughed in relief at the slight smile Draco was now able to give her.

Once Draco was stable enough and no longer bleeding, Snape levitated him to the hospital wing with Lorelei right behind him the whole way. She refused to leave Draco alone, even when Pomfrey tried to kick her out, but she eventually gave up when she realized this was just wasting time that could be used to help Draco.

Lorelei spent the rest of the day sitting in the hallway with her back against the wall and knees pulled to her chest. At some point, Theo and Pansy came and sat on either side of her, but no one said a word, and they didn't need to.

Something bad had happened to Draco, and Lorelei's unseeing gaze told them that whatever it was, it was very, very bad.



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