Chapter 1: 2 Adults, 2 Teens, and a Child...NO!

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Heya! This is my first fanfiction in a long time! The others were cringy and terrible, so I'm hoping to redeem myself with a decent one. Constructive criticism will be helpful! Also, at the end of each chapter will be a name list plus their ages in bracks, so you know who's who and how old they are each chapter.

Wednesday, July 20th, 2017. London, England. 1:37 am (1 hour since we ran away)

13-year-old Emil Bondevik sighed as he put his bag under his train seat. A blonde 15-year-old boy named Alfred F. Kirkland-Bonnefoy struggled to do the same on his left. On his right was a 19-year-old boy named Lovino Vargas. Lovino watched Alfred struggle for a bit before sighing, "Alfred, what the fuck is in that damn bag to make it so thick?" Alfred's head quickly shot up towards Lovino with a slight glare. "First off, it's not that thick compared to what I used to carry to school, and second, if you really must know, it's my stuffy, Tony," He scoffed. Emil looked back up at Lovino to see the playfulness leave his eyes, only to be replaced with sympathy. Tony is an alien stuffy that Alfred's twin had given him just before their dad and papa divorced. Alfred and his twin 'Matthew I think his name is' were separated. Alfred stayed with their dad and Matthew moving across the country with their papa.

"Lovino, you know you shouldn't swear, especially since there is a child, da?"

Emil's, Alfred's, and Lovino's head turned to look at a large man sitting just across the aisle. Next to him was a young boy with bright blue eyes and big caterpillar eyebrows. "Ivan! I'm not a child! I'm almost 10!" The young boy exclaimed. "Besides, Mama and Papa use bad words all the time, so I'm used to them." Emil winced at this. "Da Peter, whatever you say," The man known as Ivan replied. The train started back down the track.

You're probably wondering why a group of almost strangers who have absolutely nothing in common and didn't even know each other until like a month ago ran away together. To put it simply, we were unhappy with our lives, so we left. I know that's why people run away, but I don't know what more you want out of me. I guess I can give you our reasons for running away and also how we met:

Ivan Braginski

Age: 20 (Turning 21 in December)

Height: Tall

Reason for running away:

Technically, Ivan isn't a runaway since y'know, he's 20. Ivan lived at home with his two sisters, Katyusha Braginskaya and Natalya Braginskaya. His whole life, people were scared and avoided him, so he has never had any friends (Until now). His aunt adopted three boys, Ravis, Eduard, and Toris. She would bring them over for "playdates" Ivan was ecstatic because he thought he finally had friends! Ivan's aunt brought them over a lot, and they would always "play." It turns out the only reason they hung out with him was because they were scared. I'm getting off-topic, aren't I? Anyways, one day, they were playing outside, and Ivan broke (ACCIDENTLY MIGHT I ADD) Ravis's leg. Eduard got super angry and started yelling all kinds of mean stuff at him. After that day, they never came back. His older sister became scared of him, and word got around that he had done it on purpose. Everyone rejected him; they would whisper about how he broke a poor defenceless child's leg on purpose. He couldn't take it, so he left.

Lovino Vargas

Age: 19

Height: Average

Reason for running away:

Again, technically not a runaway, but he also lived at home. Lovino is the oldest grandson of Romulus Vargas, an extremely wealthy businessman. He has two younger brothers, Feliciano Vargas and Sebastian Vargas. The 3 of them live with (Well, now only 2 of them live with) their grandfather because Lovino's parents were killed in a car crash when he was 7. Since then, and even before, Lovino was overshadowed and compared to them by their grandfather. "Oh, you got an A? Sebastian got an A+" "You worked on this painting for two months? Well, Feliciano did this in 1 month, and his has more detail." etc. He grew up resenting his brothers because of this. After he heard his grandfather telling his manager that he would give Feliciano the company and not Lovino, he decided to pack up his shit and leave.

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