Chapter 7: London Airports, Hotels and...My Brother?!

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I forgot to mention Cian, Kyle, and Jeremy are all characters I made up. Also, I'm not from the UK, nor have I ever been. I tried my best to be accurate, but uh, don't expect it to be perfect, lol.

Friday, October 22nd, 2021. Buffalo, NY, United States of America. 4:50 am (4 years, 3 months, and 2 days since we ran away)

A month went by faster than the five boys had wanted. Currently, it was 4:50 am, and they were sitting with about 80 other tired high schoolers and parents at the airport. Their flight wasn't until 5:30, so almost everyone was sleeping. That wasn't the case for Peter and his 'brothers' though; they were wide awake. Looking around, he spotted his two best friends a few benches down, both fast asleep on Jeremy's mom, Mrs. Jukelly. Kyle's dad couldn't go because he had to watch Kyle's little sister, so he had asked Jeremy's mom to look after him, which she was more than happy to do. Peter didn't realize that he had been staring until Mrs. Jukelly gave him a tired smile and waved. He smiled and waved back before turning to his family. Emil was writing in his diary- sorry, his journal because diaries are for middle school girls, Alfred was nervously looking and checking his phone every few minutes, Lovino was reading a book and bouncing his leg, and Ivan looked as calm as ever sitting there, also reading a book. Peter could tell he was nervous though, he's been on the same page for 20 minutes. He sighed.

Lovino looked up from his book and at Peter. By the look on the youngest's face, he was just as scared and nervous as the rest of them. Closing the book and bookmarking the page, he scooted over and sat in the seat right beside the boy. "Scared?" Peter jumped, and Lovino chuckled. Once he realized that it was just him, he sighed and gave a small nod. "Yeah, me too, kid. It'll be okay though, we have each other,r alright?" This seemed to help Peter a little more as it looked like he had perked up a bit. Lovino gave him a rare smile and looked out the airport window at the starry morning sky. 'I wonder how they're doing? I bet Nonno is doing great now that his 19-year-old deadbeat grandson that didn't have a job, wasn't going to school and still lived at home, was gone. Feliciano probably got the company and now has an amazing model girlfriend or boyfriend; Unless he's still dating that potato bastard. He better not be, or I'm gonna through hands. Sebastian most likely has a girlfriend and is one of the popular boys at school. And Antonio, he probably has a new boyfriend, not one who breaks up with him and runs away a day later,' Lovino thought bitterly. 'Yeah, they're probably doing amazing right now, without their asshole brother/grandson/ex-boyfriend there.' Breaking up with Antonio was the hardest thing he ever did. He remembers him crying and begging over the phone, asking what he could do to make him not leave. Lovino had choked back sobs and told him, 'I love you, Antonio Fernández Carriedo, and I always will. Remember, this isn't your fault; it's mine.' before hanging up and blocking his number, sobbing quietly as he packed for early the next morning. Lovino looked out the airport window, wanting to forget the one man who he truly loved. A few tears slipped out.

He was slightly panicking. Okay, not slightly; he was hella panicking. Emil looked back down at his notebook so that it didn't look like he was eavesdropping. "It'll be okay' my ass. We're so gonna get caught. We don't know anything about our families anymore, what if he works in the hotel? Or the museums?' Emil paused. 'Damn it! I'm thinking about Lukas again; stop thinking about him! Think about...uh...puffins! Yeah! Puffins, just like the stuffed animal Lukas got for-' He paused again. 'God damn it! I thought about him again! Screw it, how is he? Is he happier now? What about Matthias and him, are they together?' "-il" 'Oh god, what if he got so depressed that he couldn't pay rent and Matthias broke up with him and kicked him out onto the streets and-'" Emil!" Emil's eyes snapped up to see Alfred staring at him. Blinking and looking around, he realized that his brothers were surrounding him. "Uh, guys? Is something wrong?" Alfred smacked him upside the head. "Is something wrong?! Dude! You just had a panic attack!" Emil's eyes widened. "I did?" Four heads nodded. "Do you want to talk about it?" Ivan asked. He was about to open his mouth, but the announcements came on before he could get a word out. "Attention all passengers, flight B9037 to London, England is boarding now, all passengers, please make your way to the gate." Emil gulped.

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