Chapter 4: Boys Being Boys.

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Hi, so I did age up Sealand, Wy, Ladonia, and Kugelmugel for this fic, BTW. Everyone else's ages are either canon or ones I made up because I thought they fit the characters. Also, this story will take place in the "future." By that, I mean it will be September 2021 instead of February.

Thursday, September 16th, 2021. Buffalo, NY, United States of America. 3:18 pm (4 years, 1 month, and 28 days since we ran away)

"Oh my god, Jeremy, you are such a fucking jerk."

Peter turned and watched as his friend teased their other friend Kyle. It was their second week of high school, and the boys were already done with school. The three freshmen (9th graders/year 10s) made their way down the walkway away from the school, mindlessly chatting about which teachers they loved and which they hated, as well as complaining about the homework they had to complete. Peter looked up as they were leaving and saw Emil at the entrance, leaning against the chain-link fence talking to some girl from his science class. He waved goodbye to his two friends and headed towards Emil just as the girl walked towards her car.

Emil looked over and watched his 'little brother' walking towards him with a smirk. "Sooooo, who was that?" Peter asked once he stood beside him. He rolled his eyes. "Just some girl from my science class. She was asking me about biology." "Suuurreeee she was" "She was! Besides, we both know I'm gay as shit." "Touché" With that, the boys took out their phones as they waited for their ride, which was Alfred.

They didn't have to wait long, Alfred soon pulled up in his old beat up 2018 Honda Civic, honking loudly and scaring more than a dozen high schoolers as they passed by. Emil and Peter pocketed their phones and headed towards the vehicle, Emil climbing into the front while Peter took the back. "Hello, my lovely children! How was school? Learn anything new?" The 2 rolled their eyes before answering an 'it was okay' and an 'it bloody fucking sucked!' respectively. Alfred didn't even acknowledge that the 14-year-old in the back just swore. He was used to it, considering all 5 of them swore like sailors.

The drive back to their apartment was quiet, aside from the crappy music Alfred was blasting. As soon as they were parked, Peter and Emil made a mad dash for the front doors, wanting to get away from the shitty music as quickly as possible. Alfred laughed and grabbed his backpack, following them at a slower pace. They made their way to their three-bedroom apartment, swiftly unlocking the door and heading inside. "HONEY, I'M HOME!" Alfred called out. A few seconds later, a tall man emerged from the hallway and headed towards the three newcomers. The man made his way towards Alfred and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Hello Alfie, how was class?" Alfred smirked and kissed him quickly before replying, "It was good, but I'm happier now that I am home with you, Ivan."

Ivan smiled and went to kiss him again when he was interrupted by an "EW, IVAN IS GIVING ALFIE COOTIES~." Ivan and Alfred glared as Peter smirked at them and ran off to his and Emil's shared bedroom. They both rolled their eyes at the stupid joke before Ivan finally kissed him again without interruptions this time. The two broke apart and headed towards the living room to watch some TV and cuddle before Lovino got home from work. Soon after, Peter came out to the living room and plopped himself on the floor beside the coffee table and set his homework down on the said table. The only noises that were heard were the TV's sound and the occasional question from Peter about something he didn't understand.

Lovino walked through the unlocked apartment door and immediately almost tripped on a pair of baby blue converse shoes. He sighed. "Peter, how many times have I told you, do not leave your fucking shoes in front of the door?!" He heard a squeak followed by a "Sorry Lovi; I'll come move them!" A pair of sock feet was heard, and then Peter suddenly appeared in front of Lovino. Lovino watched as the younger male bent down, picked up the shoes and placed them nicely on the shoe rack just beside the door. As quick as he came, Peter was gone. 'Thank god Peter didn't turn out to be an asshole who did hard drugs in back alleyways with shady ass people.' He thought as he took off his shoes and placed them on the rack next to Peter's. He walked down into the living room/kitchen area and saw Peter working on his homework. At the same time, Alfred and Ivan cuddled on the couch. The couple looked up when he walked in and greeted him with a 'hey' and a 'welcome back.' Lovino gave a quick reply to both of them and looked around, noticing that they were missing a person. "Emil's in his room, if you're wondering." Emil thanked Alfred and headed towards Emil's and Peter's room.

Emil was sitting at his desk with his headphones listening to one of his favourite artists he found a few years ago:

🎵I don't want no lunchbox friends, no

I want someone who understands, oh, oh, no

Come to my house, let's die together

Friendship that would last forever, no

No lunchbox friend-🎵


Emil let out a manly shriek and whipped around to see Lovino laughing his fucking ass off. He scowled. Lovino laughed for another minute before finally calming down enough to greet Emil properly; "Hey kid, how was school?" "It was okay, same old people, same old classes, same old teachers getting on my last fucking nerve." Lovino snorted in amusement. "Yeah, that sounds about right. What should I make for dinner?" Emil thought for a moment. "Just order a pizza; you look tired as hell."

As much as he wanted to disagree, he was tired as hell. So he just simply nodded and went to find his phone to order. Once he saw it, he clicked the domino's pizza app and clicked quick order and ordered their usual; one large meat-eater, one large steak with olives and banana peppers, and chicken bacon with alfredo sauce instead of tomato. After that, he made his way to the living room and crashed into the nearest chair, waiting for the pizza.

Forty-five minutes later, the doorbell rang. Peter watched Lovino get up and disappear down the hall. He heard talking, and when he came back, he was carrying pizza! Peter's face lit up with excitement. "Before you eat, go get Emil so we can have a lovely family dinner," Lovino said, placing the pizza down on the kitchen counter. Peter got up and made his way to their bedroom. A few minutes later, he returned with Emil. The five grabbed plates from the cupboard and loaded them up with pizza. All of them now sat in the living room, eating and watching TV. After a few minutes of silence, Ivan spoke up; "So you two, anything exciting planned for tomorrow at school?" Peter swallowed his bite. "Not really; I mean, there's an

assembly, but other than that, nothing much." Ivan raised his eyebrows. "Oh? Do you know what it is about?" "I've got no bloody clue. All I know is that the teachers are excited about it, so it's probably an anti-drug assembly or some shit." Ivan hummed, and that was the end of the conversation.

They sat in the living room watching TV for a few hours. It wasn't until Alfred yawned that they realized how late it had gotten. After saying goodnight to each other, they all retreated to their rooms. Alfred quickly stripped off his jeans, leaving him in his black and white boxer shorts, and dove under the covers and closed his eyes. He felt the bed dip next to him, and he opened an eye to see his boyfriend pulling Alfred to his bare chest. He closed his eyes again and giggled when he felt Ivan's lips on his forehead.

"я тебя люблю Alfred."

"I love you too, Ivan."

Lovino Vargas (23) - South Italy

Alfred F. Jones (Kirkland-Bonnefoy) (19) - America

Ivan Braginski (24 turning 25) - Russia

Peter Oxenstierna-Väinämöinen (14) - Sealand

Emil Steilsson (Bondevik) (17) - Iceland

*Alfred and Ivan started dating AFTER Alfred turned 18*

Song: Lunchbox Friends - Melanie Martinez

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