Chapter 11: Please Get Out of my F.A.C.E.

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I did switch between using 'Dad' and 'Arthur' for England. Same for France, I switched between 'Papa' and 'Francis' when Alfred is talking because why not.

Wednesday, October 27th, 2021. London, England. 4:08 pm (4 years, 2 months, and 7 days since we ran away)

Alfred paced back and forth in Lovino's, Emil's and Peter's hotel room. Ivan was taking him on a date tonight, and he needed help picking out what to wear. So he, of course, went to Lovino. "I don't know man, Should I do the black suit with the red shirt or the white one with the blue shirt." "White and blue. It'll bring out your eyes." "Yeah, but I think we both know that I'll get them dirty! I'm terrible with white clothes!" "Okay, then do the black suit with the blue shirt." "Oh! Good idea!" Alfred grabbed the mentioned clothing and went into the bathroom. The date wasn't for another three hours, but he had to make sure it looked good. Walking out of the bathroom, he stood in front of Lovino, who was on his phone. "Soooooo, what do ya think?" Lovino looked up and looked him up and down. "Looks good." He returned to his phone. The 19-year-old pouted. "That's it?!" "Oh, I'm sorry. You look absolutely ravishing! 10/10. Much beauty." "Well, I think he looks great!" The two adults turned towards the front door. Standing there was Peter and Emil. "Oh shit, you're back! How was it?"

"Boring. All we did was go to the Big Ben." Peter replied. "Anyway, what's with the getup?" "Oh! Ivan is taking me on a date tonight!" "Oh my. Look at my little nephew all grown up! It feels like you were just learning to walk yesterday!" He faked gushed. The youngest looked up to see his nephew glaring at him. "Peter, by the time I learned to walk, you hadn't even been conceived. So shut your mouth, you fetus." He snorted before dropping his bag off by the couch and sitting next to Lovino. Emil went into the bedroom and came back out with a book, taking a seat in the armchair. Alfred continued to show off his outfit for another half an hour before finally taking it off and hanging it in the bathroom. Peter picked up the T.V. remote and turned it on to some random show. This was how the next hour and ten minutes were spent.

Ivan finished tightening the tie around his neck. He had to 'pick up' Alfred in 10 minutes, as his reservation was 7:00. Looking at himself in the full-length mirror, the Russian man deemed himself good enough and went to grab his shoes. He picked up the dark grey dress shoes that matched his suit and slipped them on. Picking up the red rose bouquet, he did one more check in the mirror before knocking on the door that separated the two rooms. Soon, Emil opened the door to let him in. "Hey Ivan, you look nice." "Thank you, Emil. Is Alfred ready?" "I think so." The two sat in silence until, "O.I., HURRY UP, IVAN IS WAITING FOR YOU." "BUT-" "NO BUTS. OUT." His boyfriend was pushed out of the bathroom. Ivan stood up and headed towards him. Standing in front of Alfred, he held out the bouquet with a slight blush. "You look amazing, baby." Alfred blushed at the nickname while reaching out to take the flowers. "Thanks, you do too." "We should get going; the reservation is at seven." With that, the two-headed out the door, yelling a quick 'see you later!' The door slammed behind them. "...So we're getting room service, right?" Peter asked. The other two nodded.

Alfred followed Ivan out of the taxi and into the restaurant, where a hostess met them. "Hello, sirs! For how many?" "Actually, we have a reservation. Should be under Ivan Jones." He looked up at his partner and saw the playful smirk on his lips. "Ivan Jones...Ivan Jones...ah! There you are. Alright, please follow me!" The hostess picked up two menus and started to walk. The couple followed her to a slightly secluded table from the others. "Alright, here's your table! Your waitress will be with you soon!" The woman walked away. Alfred immediately pouted at Ivan. "Why'd you use my last name?" He asked quietly. "Because it's cute, kinda like the person it belongs to," Ivan replied without looking up from the menu. Alfred was beet red but also picked up his menu. A few seconds later, their waitress was there.

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