Chapter 13: The Confession

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Saturday, November 1st, 2021. London, England. 9:18 am (4 years, 3 months, and 11 days since we ran away)

Alfred woke up to the smell of pancakes. It had been 4 days since he saw his parents, and he was honestly thankful that they hadn't tried to seek him out. However, one question lingered in the back of his mind, 'Why was Papa at dad's house?' It was a question that had been nagging at him for the last few days, so he decided he would ask Matthew during breakfast.

Getting up, he walked into the small kitchen to see his brother flipping pancakes, Gilbert nowhere in sight. Smirking, he tip-toed behind his twin and grabbed his shoulders. "WHAT'RE DOING?" He yelled into his ear. Matthew scrambled a very manly scream before turning to glare at Alfred, who was laughing. "Al! What the heck! I already get that from Gil; I don't need it from you too!" It took Alfred a few minutes to calm down before he asked, "Speaking of Gil, where is he?" Matthew had already turned back to the pancakes, skillfully flipping them onto a plate and pouring some more batter onto the hot pan. "Oh, he's helping the Vargas family look for the oldest grandchild who went missing around the same time you did. Apparently, Sebastian, the youngest, saw him at the shopping centre the other day. Mr. Vargas asked the Beilschmidt family to help look."

Alfred tensed, but his brother didn't notice as he had his back turned to him. ", what a weird coincidence!" He said, hoping his brother didn't hear the waver in his voice. Sadly, he wasn't so lucky. Matthew turned to him just as he sat down at the counter, with two pancake plates, one for him and one for Alfred. "You seemed nervous. Do you know something?" His twin asked casually. He swallowed thickly. "W-what? Of course not! I don't know anything about Lovino! How would I know anything?" He then shoved a huge bite into his mouth. "Alfred." Said man looked at his twin, who had an unusually serious look on his face. "Y-yeah?" The American asked, swallowing the pancake. "I never said Lovino's name. How do you know him?" Shit. Now, he could have easily said that he knew him from high school when he still lived in England, but he wasn't good under pressure. "I-I uh...I just do okay?! Why does that matter? His grandfather is pretty famous!" "Yeah, but he never mentions his grandchildren's name unless they are present in an interview. So I'm gonna ask you again. How. Do. You. Know. Lovino's. Name?!"

Knowing that he wouldn't convince his brother, Alfred sighed in defeat. "Okay! Okay, I confess! Lovino running away the same night wasn't a coincidence! He, myself, and the other three went missing ran away together! It was all planned!" He knew he should've stopped there. "We all met at the train station to Sussex and caught a train to the airport! From there, we flew to America, where we've been for the last few years!" As soon as those words came, he slapped a hand over his mouth. The only thing that could be heard in the apartment was the sound of metal hitting glass. "You what?" "Uh...Nothing! Hey, look! The sun is out! That's pretty rare, isn't it?" "DON'T YOU DARE TRY AND CHANGE THE SUBJECT! YOU'VE BEEN IN AMERICA?! YOU WEREN'T EVEN IN THE DAMN COUNTRY?!" He said nothing. "Why? Why couldn't you have stayed? Why now? Why, after all these years, you come back to England? Why?" "Peter and Emil are here on a school trip. We didn't want them to go alone, so Ivan, Lovino and I went with them." Matthew then whipped out his phone. "What're you doing?" "Texting Gilbert to tell him to come home and bring the Vargas' because you're going to tell them where Lovino is." Alfred stood up in rage. "What?! I'm not telling them anything! Lovino doesn't want to be found! They should fucking respect that!"


"I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT; YOU'RE GOING TO FUCKING TELL THEM" Matthew then stormed out of the kitchen and into his and Gilbert's bedroom.

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