Chapter 14: The Final Showdown

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Chapter 14: The Final Showdown


Saturday, November 1st, 2021. London, England. 10:04 am (4 years, 3 months, and 11 days since we ran away)

Ivan stared at the random man that had just sat across from him. He was eating breakfast at a local restaurant when this guy came over, looked him up and down, and said, 'Oh my god, it is you!' before taking a seat across from him. While Ivan was panicking a little inside, he even was more confused. He had never met this man before, so how did he know him? "Uh, I don't mean to be rude, but who're you?" The man looked up from the smoothie he'd been drinking. "Oh my gosh, how rude of me! I'm Feliks Łukasiewicz!" This just left the older even more confused, as Feliks said nothing else and continued to drink his smoothie and text on his phone. "...Okay, I'm Ivan. Care to elaborate on how you know me?" Again, the man looked at him. "Oh, that's right, we don't know each other," Feliks said casually. "Anyway, I'm like, dating your cousin Toris. We've been together for two and a half years now. Speaking of Toris, He needs to answer meeeee!" Ivan was surprised. Sure, Toris was good-looking, but his cousin was awkward as hell. "Why're you looking at me like that? Omg, you're one of those people who think boys shouldn't wear skirts, aren't you?! Well, news flash buddy, they can!" Okay, Ivan was getting annoyed. "I do not mean to be rude, but I would appreciate it if you didn't put words into my mouth, da? I do not care what boys wear. I was looking at you because I am surprised that Toris managed to get a boyfriend, with how awkward he is. That is all." He said. Ivan smirked inwardly as Feliks looked away with a small blush, embarrassed that he had just assumed the worse. "Yeah? Well-"

🎵Got a figure like a pinup, got a figure like a doll-🎵

A few heads turned in their direction at the loud music. Feliks either didn't notice or didn't care as he picked up his phone and answered it excitedly.

"Omg, Tori, like finally!"

"Yes, yes, sorry I didn't pick up earlier as I am working. What do you need, love?"

"I found your cousin!"


"I found your cousin! Maybe you need to get your ears checked."

"I heard you the first time, but are-are you sure it's him?"

"Like totally one hundred per-Hey!"

Ivan grabbed the man's phone, not caring that he was being extremely rude. He put the pink phone to his ear.

"Yes, Toris, he is telling the truth. Now, either come to Pancake Place downtown, or I'm going to throw your boyfriend out a window, da?"

"... I-I'm on my way!"

Toris hung up, and Ivan handed back the phone to the glaring man. "That was like, sooooo rude! Why would you grab a random guy's phone and threaten his boyfriend?!" Ivan rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to actually throw you out a window, and it is because you were getting annoying." After that, Ivan said nothing and returned to his unfinished breakfast. The two sat in silence for a good fifteen minutes until, "Tori! Over here!" He mentally face-palmed. How the hell did his cousin put up with Feliks? A chair was pulled into his right. He didn't need to look up to know it was Toris. Finally, Ivan looked over at Toris and gave him a small smile. "Привет Toris, how have you been?" Toris said nothing for a long while, and finally, he responded. "I've-I've been good, what about you?" "I have been great, honestly." The conversation ended there. Feliks looked between the two. "Awe, come on?! No, Omg I missed you' or 'I'm so glad you're okay?'" He exclaimed. "My cousins are the last people you should've called; they hate me." Toris looked at him, shocked. "What? We don't-"

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