Chapter 8: Being Bored Killed the Cat.

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I'm so sorry for the late update! The Corinthia Hotel is a real place, but I'll be making up the rest of the minor places such as restaurants and shopping centers (malls). Also, I'm not entirely sure how to properly type in pounds (The British currency, not the weight.) and stuff, so it probably won't be accurate.

Monday, October 25th, 2021. London, England. 8:46 am (4 years, 3 months, and 5 days since we ran away)

Hey, journal, it's been a while, hasn't it? What, like two years now? It doesn't matter; I just need to write my thoughts down. To give a bit of backstory, We ran away 4 years ago and happily live in Buffalo, United States. But about a month ago, our history teachers thought it would be a good idea to make an overseas field trip. To where you may ask? London, England. Y'know, the place we ran away from? Yeah there. Now, my and my brothers are on this stupid field trip with a high chance of getting caught. We wouldn't be here if it weren't for the fact that this trip is like 70% of our grades. Anyways, I'm so nervous. Alfred had almost gotten caught in the first 20 minutes of being in the damn country! This means that my brother could be anywhere! I truly don't even know what I'd do if Lukas, or anyone for that matter, found me. I'd have to leave the happy life I have back in the US.

Emil had tried to go back to sleep. However, his attempts were fruitless, thanks to the building anxiety in his stomach. So he decided to write in his journal that he hasn't written in years. Today was the first day of the school activities and to say he was nervous was an understanding. It was the first time anyone from the group was going outside the hotel. They had spent the weekend watching TV, eating, and sleeping instead of going out site-seeing like their classmates had most likely done. Although, there wasn't even a point in them going site-seeing, considering they had seen practically everything London had to offer. Emil huffed and finally got up and quietly made his way out of the bedroom so that he wouldn't wake Lovino.

Once he got out to the living room, he saw Peter sitting up on his pull-out bed playing games on his phone. "You're up early." He said without looking up. "Couldn't sleep; my alarm would've gone off in like 10 minutes anyways." With that, he walked into the bathroom to shower, being smart enough to put his clothes in there the night before. He turned on the shower and removed his pyjamas before stepping in. 'Okay, if I remember correctly, the 12th-graders are going to the British Museum, while the 9th-graders are going to Westminster Abbey.' Emil softly smiled at the thought of going to the British Museum on a field trip again. He went there on a field trip when he was in 3rd grade or year 4 with his best friend, Leon. His smile faded a bit when he thought of Leon. He missed him a lot. He was Emil's first real friend, even though Lukas didn't like him at all. 'Wonder what he's up to now.' He thought as he rinsed the conditioner out of hair. Realizing that he probably didn't have a lot of time left, he finished his shower and got dressed in a pair of light blue ripped skinny jeans and a grey oversized hoodie. Not his usual style, but he definitely wouldn't stand out to anyone. He left the bathroom to see Peter sitting on his couch-bed in a similar outfit. Peter looked up at him and gave him a tired glare. "Fucking hell, man, what took you so long? Were you jacking off or some shit?" Emil glared back. "No, I wasn't. Can't a man take a long shower without being questioned?" "Well yeah, but he shouldn't have taken fifty fucking minutes!" Emil quickly grabbed his phone and checked the time; sure enough, the numbers said '9:51 am' "Oh, god damn it!" Quickly, the two boys shoved on a random pair of shoes they brought, grabbed their day-bags, and left out the door. 'I need a fucking coffee.'

He and Emil made it to the front doors with 2 minutes to spare. Once outside, Peter headed towards the 9th-graders and Emil towards the 12th-graders. Immediately, his two friends spotted him and glomped on the tired boy. "Dude! There you are! We thought we were gonna hafta leave without you!" Jeremy said with way too much energy. "Yeah, man, that would have been shi-crappy," Kyle said, censoring his swear because there were adults near-by. Peter was about to respond when a person with cinnamon-bun-looking hair and thick eyebrows like his own came up to the group. "Hello, year 10s! Oh, sorry, I mean 9th-graders! My name is Hunapo, And I am going to be your tour guide!" A bunch of kids whooped and cheered. "Haha, glad you're all excited! Follow me towards the bus! I'll explain the rules on the way." With that, the person turned around and headed towards a greyhound bus. Peter, Jeremy, and Kyle got on and picked seats in the middle. Soon, everyone was on the bus and took off. Hunapo was explaining the rules, but he wasn't listening. He started to breathe heavily as the bus went farther and farther from his safe zone. Luckily, Kyle noticed him starting to panic and immediately started to calm him down. "It's gonna be okay, man; we'll stay on either side of you, so you stand out less. Also, London is pretty big. No way is anyone gonna find you, especially since it's a Monday. Everyone is either at work or school." This seemed to do the trick, as Peter's breaths became even again. He smiled gratefully at Kyle and turned back to hear the last bit of Hunapo's speech.

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