Chapter 12: Why Going Into Mayfair Was a Bad Idea

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We stan good Uncle Lukas here

Friday, October 31th, 2021. London, England. 1:40 pm (4 years, 2 months, and 7 days since we ran away)

Emil sat still. His older brother, Lukas, held him to his chest, sobbing as if he were going to disappear any second. Peter stood off to the side awkwardly, wondering if he should try to leave or not. 'H-how could I have been so careless?!'

4 hours and 40 minutes earlier.

Emil groaned and sat up as his alarm blared. He quickly shut it off to not piss Lovino off more than he probably is. The Icelandic teen went to his suitcase and quickly grabbed a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a white button-up, and a sweater that said 'Fuck Me' in gothic font. He also grabbed a chain for his jeans and some socks. Leaving the room and making sure that he closed the door behind him, Emil made his way to the bathroom to take a quick shower. He undressed and jumped in, turning the water to be very hot. After ten minutes, he got out and dried himself off. The 17-year-old opened the door and passed Peter, who immediately walked into the bathroom. Making sure he had everything in his bag, Emil sat on Peter's bed to wait while playing games on his phone.

It was about 9:40 by the time the two high schoolers were ready and headed out the door. Peter followed Emil to the elevator. As they waited, Emil spoke up, "So, what's up? You seem out of it; you didn't even insult me." The Brit snorted. "Yeah, well, there wasn't much to insult you on for once." "Okay, are you sick? You always find a way to insult me in the mornings." He laughed. "No, No, I'm not sick. It's just..." By now, the elevator arrived. The duo stepped in, and Emil pressed the main floor button. As they descended, Peter continued. "I'm worried for Alfred. I know he's a big boy, but my brother is really snobby. Arthur, not Erland. Even when he's at fault for...anything, he'll make himself the victim." The 14-year-old finished. "Your brother sounds like an asshole." "Oh yeah, he definitely is." They two finally made it down the lobby and headed towards a small group of teens. "But Alfred is strong. He knows how to get out of these situations. And we both know he would've called Ivan by now." Satisfied with his answer, Peter took out 'Venus in the Blind Spot' and opened it to his bookmarked page.

Soon, The rest of the students showed up. Finally, Mr. Kello stood up, calling everyone to attention. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen. I know you guys are excited about today's activities, but we need you to pair up. 9th graders and 10th graders have to partner up with either an 11th grader, a 12th grader, or a parent. No buts. While we are here to have fun, we don't want anyone to get hurt or lost. Now go find a partner." Emil looked at Cian with sympathy before walking to Peter. No way were the two going to find random strangers to annoy when they could just annoy each other. It took a bit, but finally, everyone was paired up. Mr. Kello spoke up again. "Everyone paired up? Good, good. Now I know that you are all confused about why we are merging all the grades together. Well, instead of going to a museum or something. We are going to Oxford Street and neighbouring streets to do shopping, eat at restaurants, etc." This got everyone excited, including Emil and Peter. They had been too scared to go out shopping after Lovino's run-in with his brother. "Now then, let's head to the busses!"

Everyone excitedly followed the teachers to the five large busses, and soon everyone was on their way to Oxford street. The moment the bus stopped, everyone was out the doors and heading to restaurants, Emil and Peter included. The two ended up joining Cian, Cian's older brother, Kyle, Jeremy and Mrs. Jukelly for breakfast at a local pancake shop. The duo said thank you and headed down the streets, looking at all the old and new stores. After hours of shopping, the two found themselves hungry, but it was too late to have lunch unless they wanted to spoil dinner. So, they found a Mayfair Food Fayre.

Emil walked in, not even noticing how the cashier gasped, too focused on the story Peter was telling. He only stopped when he saw a person standing in the way. Annoyed, he turned to the person. "Excuse me, sir, could you please-" He stopped. Standing before him was Lukas Bondevik, his brother. And that is how he found himself on the floor, pushed against his brother.

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