Chapter 3: Please Come Back! I'm So Sorry.

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Wednesday, July 20th, 2017. London, England. 8:30 am (8 hours since we ran away)

Arthur Kirkland angrily sighed as he ate his toast and butter. Alfred was supposed to unload the dishwasher yesterday, but he didn't. 'That ungrateful brat All I ask is for him to do one simple chore.' Arthur finished his toast and stomped up the stairs to Alfred's bedroom, slamming the door open as soon as he arrives. "ALFRED F. KIRKLAND, GET YOUR LAZY ASS-" He stopped. Arthur was expecting to see his son lying in his bed, half of him hanging off. Instead, he was greeted by a neatly made bed with Alfred's school supplies and cell phone on it. He looked around for Alfred but didn't see him. He began to panic.

'No, no, it's okay Arthur, he probably just slept in the guestroom.' He hastily made his way to the guest room. "Alfred?!" He wasn't there. Arthur began to search the entire house, screaming his name, "ALFRED, BABY THIS ISN'T FUNNY, COME OUT NOW" Alfred never came out, and Arthur never found him. He shuffled back into his son's room and looked for any signs of life. He noticed a few things were missing, Alfred's school bag wasn't by the door like it always was, and some of his clothes were missing from the wardrobe. But the most noticeable thing that was missing was Tony. Alfred never loses Tony. Then it dawned on him. His child ran away. Arthur dropped to his knees, sobbing, "ALFREEEEED."

It was a typical summer morning in Francis Bonnefoy's house. He made his beloved son, Matthieu, pancakes; He cleaned the kitchen, he got a phone call from his ex-husband- wait.

Francis looked at his phone with wide eyes. Arthur, the man he hasn't seen in 9 years, was calling him. He almost didn't answer, but because Arthur would never call him without a good reason, he picked up the phone and placed it to his ear.

"Hello, Francis Bonnefoy speaking."

"Francis, is Alfred at your house?!"

Francis pulled the phone away from his ear in surprise; 1, he called him by his name and not some stupid nickname like 'bloody frog' and 2, he yelled. He may hate the man, but one thing he knows for sure is that Arthur Kirkland does not scream. He put the phone back up to his ear;

"Non, he is not here; why?"

He heard a choked sob.

"I can't find him, I checked the entire house, and he's not here. Francis, he ran away."

His heart stopped. One of his babies he loves and adores was out in that dangerous world. Alone.

"A-are you sure? I mean, maybe he went to a friend-"


"What do you mean? Start from the beginning, when did you notice he was gone?"

"This morning. I got up, got dressed and went to make breakfast, I had asked Alfred to unload the dishwasher last night, and he didn't. So I made breakfast, ate it, and went to wake him up to tell him to unload the dishwasher. When I opened the door, he wasn't in his bed. I thought that he might've slept in the guest room for some reason, so I checked there. He wasn't there, so I checked the entire house and couldn't find him. I went back to his room to see if maybe I just missed him. Then I noticed some of his things were missing, like his school bag and some of his clothes. But, most importantly, Tony was missing. HE NEVER LOSES TONY. NEVER!" Arthur wailed.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, Francis trying to hold back tears as he listened to his ex wail over their missing son.

"Arthur, listen to me, go to the police and report him missing; Matthieu and I are going to come to London, okay?"

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