Chapter 5: Please No!

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Friday, September 17th, 2021. Buffalo, NY, United States of America. 3:18 pm (4 years, 1 month, 29 days since we ran away)

Emil awoke to the sound of his and Peter's alarm going off at the same time, one playing 'The Principal' and the other playing 'Rasputin.' "Motherfucker, Peter, change your damn alarm tone or better yet, TURN IT OFF. WE DON'T NEED TWO ALARMS." He heard 'Rasputin' turn off. "Emil, it's 6:30 am. Stop yeLLING AND TURN OFF YOUR FUCKING ALARM." Emil groaned and turned it off just as their bedroom door opened. Alfred popped his head in and smiled. "Morning guys, hurry and get up, or you're gonna be late because I'm leaving at 7:40, so if y'all want a ride, get your asses up and at it." He turned to leave but quickly added, "Oh and stop screaming. We do not want to wake Lovino or Ivan again." Both Peter and Emil shivered at the thought. As much as they loved them (platonically, of course), they did not want to deal with a pissed-off Lovino or Ivan.

After lying down for another 5 minutes, both boys quickly got up. They started their morning routines, Peter going straight to the kitchen for breakfast and Emil getting dressed. He walked over to his wardrobe and sifted through the shirts before settling on a white button-up underneath a black sweater shirt. Looking on the shelf next to the shirts, he grabbed a pair of dark grey skinny jeans with rips in the knees. He also grabbed a pair of socks and a chain that would attach to his jeans' belt loops. Emil got dressed and headed out to grab some breakfast. Peter was currently sitting at the dining table on his phone, eating leftover pizza from last night. He grabbed some yogurt and granola before joining Peter. A few minutes later, Peter finished and headed to their room to get dressed.

Peter pulled out a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a plain white tee-shirt, a grey hoodie, a black jean jacket, and a black beanie, as well as some socks. Quickly putting on the outfit, he looked into the full-length mirror that was in between his and Emils wardrobes, 'God, imagine if Mama and Papa saw me now. They would scream and make me change into something more childish.' Sadly, Peter smiled at the thought of his adopted parents before shaking his head to get rid of the thoughts. 'No, don't think about them. You're better off now.' Speed walking to the bathroom to brush his teeth, he saw Alfred off to the side, brushing his teeth while checking his phone. Peter grabbed his toothbrush and quickly put toothpaste on it, and walked away to make sure he had all his school supplies in his bag. After making sure he had everything, he walked to the bathroom and spat out the extra toothpaste just as Emil walked in. He checked the time on his phone, '7:30 am.'

"You guys have 10 minutes, or else I'm leaving without you," Alfred called from his room as quietly as possible so he wouldn't wake up his sleeping boyfriend. Gathering his university textbooks and placing them in his bag, Alfred kissed Ivan on the head. He went to the entranceway to get his shoes on. 5 minutes later, Emil and Peter were there too, backpacks on and phones in their pockets. Quickly, all three pick out a pair of shoes, Alfred going for a basic pair of black converse, Peter going for his black Doc Martens, and Emil going for some black combat boots. 2 minutes later, the trio were out the door and heading down the stairs to Alfred's car.

The three drove in silence towards Buffalo Ridge High. Once they got there, Alfred haphazardly parked in an open space, and the two high schoolers got out of the car. "Have fun at your assembly, you two; hopefully, you'll learn not to do the drugs that you don't do." Peter snorted, and Emil rolled his eyes. Emil watched Alfred pull out of the space and head down the road towards his university. He sighed and followed Peter, who had already met up with his friends, into the school building. "Oi! Emil, wait up!" Emil turned his head around to see a short boy with brownish red hair and green eyes run up to him. "Woah, Cian, you're early for once." Cian jokingly glared at him. Cian was Emil's first friend when he first when he...uhm..." moved" here. They bonded on the fact that no-one could pronounce their fucking names, and the friendship blossomed from there. The two boys made their way to their lockers and then to their first class, English. Just as they sat down, the bell rang.

Their teacher, Mrs. Satly, though everyone called her Mrs. Salty, had just finished taking attendance when the announcements went on. "All students who're in Mr. Kello's and Ms. Heylop's history classes, please head down to the gym for the assembly. I repeat, all students who're in Mr. Kello's and Ms. Heylop's history classes head down to the gym for the assembly. Thank you." Along with Cian, Emil stood up along with seven other students and down towards the gym. 'Huh, that's weird; I didn't realize the assembly was just for history students; maybe we have someone coming to do a presentation? But it's pretty early to have a presentation, so what else could it be-' "EMIL." Emil squeaked in surprise before harshly glaring at Cian, who was laughing his ass off. "HAHAHHAHAH OHMAIGAWD YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOU FACE AHAHAHA." He rolled his eyes. "Yes, haha, very fucking hilarious. Now, what do you want?" Cian calmed down enough to answer, "I was asking if you knew what the assembly is about because we've never had an assembly for just the history kids." "Yeah, that's true; I was just thinking about it, maybe a presenter? But it's early, and the bell rang like 10 minutes ago." They walked into the gym and sat down on the bleachers, talking. Emil saw Peter on the other side of the gym talking to his friends. They made eye contact. He waved. Emil waved back.

Once all the students arrived, the principal, Mr. Likele, stood up and headed towards the microphone in the middle of the room. "Good Morning students, you are all probably wondering why I have called you down here today; well, it seems that our lovely history teachers have some big news to share with you all!" This excited Peter. The two teachers stood up and headed towards the microphone. The principal moved to the side. "Thank you, Principal Likele! Good morning students, as Mr. Likele mentioned, Mr. Kello and I have some great news! Weeee are going on a field trip!" Ms. Heylop announced. The gym was quiet. Mr. Kello took over, "Aw, come on, guys! Be a little more excited! Ms. Heylop and I went through a lot of trouble to book the planes." Everyone perked up at this. "Did you say planes?!" A girl from Peter's art class called out from her seat on his right. "Why, yes I did; we are going on a field trip to another country!" The gym erupted into cheers. Peter's friends were jumping in their seats, grinning from ear to ear. Peter was excited too. He had never been to another country aside from running away to the USA. He looked across the gym to see Emil with a rare smile and his friend hugging him. Finally, everyone quieted down enough to hear what else the teachers had to say. "Alright, alright, I knew you guys would be excited, but I haven't even told you where we're going!" Everyone leaned forward on their seats. ", ENGLAND!"

Peter's smile dropped.

Lovino Vargas (23) - South Italy

Alfred F. Jones (Kirkland-Bonnefoy) (19) - America

Ivan Braginski (24 turning 25) - Russia

Peter Oxenstierna-Väinämöinen (14) - Sealand

Emil Steilsson (Bondevik) (17) - Iceland

Cian's name is pronounced like Key-ee-ann. Basically, 'Ian' with a 'C' at the beginning.

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