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(Image of outfit up top. Hope you enjoy) 

I stir awake from my sleep. I turned over to my side and felt no one there. I got upp and looked around only to find a note and no Alastor. My dear, I am so sorry to leave you when you have awoken. But I woke up hungry and realized you don't have deer. So I went out hunting. Then I'm meeting up with an old friend of mine. Don't wait up. Oh and by the way. Last night was marvelous, my darling. -love Alastor. Then saw a literal blood red rose by my bedside as well. This demon, wow, I love him till death do us part. Ha how Ironic. I guess that means we'll never part,huh? I got up and cleaned myself up and got dressed. I called my limo and driver over. I then got in the car and told them to go to Blitzo's. The driver nodded and drove off. Once we got there I told the driver to wait for me and I left. I walked through the agency and went straight to where Blitzo and the others were. I knocked on the door and a few seconds later moxie opened the door. "Oh hello, (Y/N) what are you doi-" Loona pushed him out of the way. She had her tail wagging and everything. I'm really the only one she lets pet her and stuff. She has really taken a liking to me and I her. "What's (Y/N)? You came to hang?" I nodded. "Yeah I wanted to talk to you guys. Lucifer and I got into an argument so we're not talking and the hotel is busy so you guys are really the last people I could talk to." She opened the door wide enough so I could get through. I sat in one of the office chairs and spoke. " I need to ask a serious question to you guys. If we were together, And I had an old lover from the past that a small part of me still loves, would you want me to tell you the truth or not? And if so when?" They all stared at me for a little bit with their Mouths open and eyes were full of shock. Millie was the first to snap out of it and speak. " I would really like t o know and as for when that would be for when you're ready." I nodded. "Thanks Millie. I really needed that." She smiled and said you're welcome. After that we just spoke and got caught up . I found out that Blitz has been fucking that bird guy. What was his name? Oh yeah, Stolas. Man Blitzo. You really have gone lower than the lowest of the low. I feel bad for you dude. After a while of that I waved bye to them and went to my limo.I got in and drove to Lucifer's place. I hate when we do this. I hate when we don't talk. I got to his place and when the door opened I went straight for his study. I knocked on the door. And walked in. "Lucifer please don't be mad anymore, Okay? I am sorry I hurt you. Can You please forgive me?" I looked up and saw who I never thought I would ever see in a million years. "G-George. What are you doing here?" He stands up and walks over to me. His smirk Oh how I hate it but really love it. Get it together (Y/N) you're with Alastor now George is dead news. "Oh so I can't come and find My loving wife? Come give me a kiss, my queen." I was scared not of him but of what Alastor would do. I couldn't think the only thing I could do was run. So I bolted out of there. I ran, I ran like I have never ran before. I got into the car and told the driver to take me home. Once I got home I ran to my bedroom. I got to my bedroom and flopped onto my bed. I cried into my pillow for hours on end. I will never forget what he did to me. I will never forgive him. But A part of me can't seem to hate him. I hate that. I am with Alastor now. I need to forget about George. He hurt me in so many ways he doesn't deserve my love. "These flowers are so gorgeous George. Where did you get them?" I looked up at him with the happiest grin and rosy cheeks I could make. I held his hand And stood there watching the sunset and admiring the roses he gave me. "I got them from the finest florist in the whole kingdom. They are white because they stand for purity and passion. And I instantly thought of you. So pure and passionate. I love it, I love you." I was so Head over heels with this man. He and I were future king and Queen of this kingdom. I was so happy that it happened to be him in life and as my lover. Sometimes he can just make me swoon for him without even trying. "George, Promise me that we will always be this happy when we are married promise me please." I look up back at him. I saw Him smile so Big I couldn't believe how happy he was. He didn't say anything he just nodded. I was literally jumping for joy. And hugged him so tight. Like I would never let go. I got up tall and kissed my lover. "I can't wait to be your wife, for I will try my best to make you happy and never stop smiling." If only that was what happened. I was fool to love him. I heard someone come in.I looked up and saw Alastor. He saw my horrible state and rushed over to me. "What happened my dear? Who hurt you?" He held my cheek in his hand.Oh how I yearned for his touch all day. I leaned in and spoke. "Alastor we have something to discuss." I took a brief pause and looked into his eyes and saw worry in them. I went back to speaking. "My husband is here."

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