8. Grilled gist ii

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This chapter is dedicated to Mukhtar Imam, for always sharing the link to his friends. Thank you for always being here.

I sighed and replied,

"I've never underestimated the power of dua Allah is Al-Alim the all knowing and Al-Wasi' the all-encompassing, the All-embracing."

"Hold it mallama (female Islamic scholar) just listen." She quickly paused as Janan was giggling by the side of my golden bed, covered with a green and white bed sheet.

On a reflex my two palms landed on their heads, and they both laughed.

I then grabbed the pringles from Janan's hand and started to chew loudly.

"Mm crispy."

"Please listen to this gist you haven't heard this one before. " they spoke at once.

"Haha." I let out a sly laugh, knowing there's no gist of theirs I haven't heard.

"Okay give me the full gist, if you know you're lying ,you know where the door is."I stated.

"Calm down mana (please) bg sissy, someone came to ask for your hand in marriage!" They spoke at once grinning with their yellow teeth wide opened from ear to ear.

"Okay, you girls need to go now, this lie is expensive. " I retorted.

"Wallahi we are not lying, Didn't you see the man that came to see Dad an hour ago, oh he's so handsome. " Dahma blabbed.

"I wish it was my hand he came to ask for." Janan beamed.

"So he came?" I whispered the question to myself but their cat ears heard.

Dahma and Janan's mouth formed an O, as their eyes opened wide. "She knows him, omg!, you kept this a secret all this while?" Janan asked.

Dahma gave her a head nod signifying a yes, as if she knew the truth.

"No wait, I don't even know him, or if he is the person I'm thinking he is ." I wondered.

"What's his name, did you get a hold of that?"

"No we were peeking through the little hole under our door knob as we pressed our ears to the door to listen, we didn't get that."

Their room was next to Dad's, sharply adjacent to the living room, they had more room to hear and see whatever was going on in the livingroom.

"Anyways we have a wedding in this house soon haha." They spoke at once, and happily left for their room.

While I was left in awe, hand in marriage? Who said I'm ready for marriage? I don't even know him? My subconscious kept asking rhetorical questions.

I prayed isha'i, shafa'i and witr, (the sunnatic Nawafil, and the key that closes the door of salat for a day) then went straight to bed, with a heavy heart.

I think we should have the guy's POV soon.

The words in italics are the characters thought.

Thank you for always being here.
Nazy loves you.
Peace. ✌

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