18. Go get him

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I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who has made time out of his or her time, to join this rollercoaster ride, this book, it means so much to me jazakumullahu bi khair.

I ran to their room for the compliments session.

"Hey girls! How do I look?"

"Omg! Kyauness (cuteness) overload." Dahma screamed with eyes wide open.

"Don't trigger him to pay the bride price today." Janan beamed as she uncovered her mouth, with her palm .

"Oh save me all that." I used my hands to fan myself as my subconscious blushed purple and pink.

"That's if they don't have the wedding today." Dahma added as they both grinned.

"You should put on this shades." Dahma handed her Gucci catty eyes shades to me.

"And why is that?" I asked.

"To hide your beautiful eyes ofcourse, let it be a surprise, shock him like transformer." She giggled right after.

"And don't forget to tell him to report himself here, we don't like side business,  tell him to show up already." She added.

"And here, add this red lipstick, you've got to be the bomb." Janan suggested.

"Isn't this too much, I dont want to send anyone to frenzy babes?" I queried.

"You should that's the goal." Dahma stated gravely.

I couldn't even imagine those little brats telling me all that, but then it was cool, so I went for it.

"But still, you need to look your very best." Janan mouthed.

"That's it." I then agreed.

This Girls must have eavesdropped our conversation to already know, I was going for a date, without questions.

"So how do I look now?" I asked as I rubbed my lower lip to the upper.

"Perfect! " they chorused.

Mum had gone out for juma'ah ziyara (Friday visit)  so there was no need checking her room, so I went to the guys room where they were laying on their bed playing PS5.

"Boys how do I look?"

"Omg! Like a queen." The three spoke at once.

"Thanks." I blushed.

"Get us something good when coming back." Sadiq mouthed.

We bade farewell, without them asking where I was headed to or why.

They really do mind their businesses.

Fifteen minutes After juma'ah (friday) prayers, Tanko aka T.k was already seated in the drivers seat waiting for  me, I hopped in the front sit, cause it felt like I was being superior anytime I sat at the back.

So I sat with him in the front passengers seat and we hummed to Nazir's song wani gari (a lost town) until we got to cafe dè bugatti.

The road was a Jam of course with people returning to their homes and business places, from Juma'ah Mosque, but TK was like vin diesel in fast and furious, we scaled through in no time.

The place was so beautiful as it has always been. Dad took me dear once, that was last year.

I couldn't wait to see Ahmad again.

It took for ever to navigate him, my crazy self didn't try to call him though, since the people there were a hands full, I thought I'd see him in seconds.

Which I then told  Tk go elsewhere and that I'd call him once I was done.

As the typical northerner that he was, I thought he'd come walk me from the gate, or even send two horses and a carriage to come pick me up like prince charmings do, or at least drive to my house to come pick me up.

But because I also wanted seeing him badly, I forgave him , for the mistakes he perhaps doesn't know he made.

Perhaps, he is probably a northerner to the bone. I thought.

He sat like a sheep ogling directly at me, I quickly scanned him under my glasses, he had gorgeous black eyes, the perfect jawline, his smile was amazing.

His sideburns and every hair on his face was lowly shaved and perfectly carved in it's right position, the soft hair layed smoothly, practically saying  'they own him' to my face, pfft.

His macho arms and broad shoulders looked so good in that sky blue geztner kaftan he wore.

You would have worn blue too. My subconscious was disappointed.

In seconds I felt my footsteps changing into a nervous cat walk, as I planted a shy smile on my lips.

I really do need to get the whole of you. I whispered to myself looking straight at him.

Salam guys!
Today is juma'ah I hope you're going for a ziyara too.

When last did you go on a ziyara?

Here's this chapter.
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