Chapter Thirty-Four: Life Changing

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A week had passed and we all got into a kind of rhythm.

Mom was healing, so I tried as best I could to take care of Mira.

My dad was stuck with all the Jaeger maintenance and other ranger duties mom couldn't do from her bedside.

An uneasiness started settling into me as the numbers ticked down on the counter.

With Herc down and many other teams facing little to no rest, I felt nauseous.

Mom was standing near the front bay of the dome, Mira in her arms. She looked down to me and smiled sadly.

"You know your father and I will be up soon. Especially with Herc still laid up."

I took a shuddered breath. "I know." I said quietly.

"I don't want to have to have this conversation with you. Because I know you'll always do all you can for your sister. But if we..." she took in a sharp breath.

"If we were to fall, you have to do everything you can for Mira. You'll be all she has left." She stared at me for a moment, tears brimming her eyes.

I could barely breathe.

"Feels like not too long ago I was having this same conversation with your sister..." She let out a breathy laugh. 

"You told Lucie to take care of me?"

She nodded. "She said she'd do anything for you. And I know you're a lot more like her than you think. You're strong. You're smart. You'll always make good choices for Mira. I know it. I hope to any god listening that we won't ever have to find out what it's like to be apart... but I know I won't have to worry. I love you, sweet girl." She bent low and hugged me, Mira cooing in her arms.

Tears ran down my face. This war, if you could even call it that, was bullshit. We'd all lost too much already. It was too barbaric. Too horrible.

I just wanted peace. I wanted my family to have peace.

I took a solid, steadying breath. "I'll always protect her, mom. I promise." She nodded again, sniffling.

"I know, baby."


Not a week after that, Mom was up again. Performing her Ranger duties. Trading, teaching. She was still a bit slow, since not everything had healed completely yet.

I prayed so hard every day that something would let up. That we could finally have a significant win over the uglies.

I was sitting in a rocking chair in my room with Mira, reading a book out loud about three little pigs.

I didn't want the harsh real world sinking its teeth into her yet.

I wanted her to be little as long as possible.

I heard a knock at my door, Mira had finally fallen asleep so I placed her in the bassinet near my bed.

I went over to the door, opening it to see Chuck.

I expected a smile from him but instead it was a look of great sadness.

"I'm afraid I have some bad news."

I stepped back inside and motioned towards little Mira sleeping.

He nodded and whispered. "'s arm is still broken. He can't drift with me and be functional. All I feel is the sharp pain from his arm...I'm so sorry, Ruby."

I looked at him, not really realizing what he was saying to me.

That's when I heard it. The countdown was over. It was time for an ugly to raise up and try to destroy us.

My breath left my body. I quickly went to grab Mira but get Chuck grab hold of me. "No, love. Stay here. You can't protect them any better from out there."

He hugged me tightly. They weren't ready. I wasn't ready.

My breaths came out in pants. I hadn't seen them both since this morning when they dropped Mira off. They had training with some recruits. We were supposed to have lunch together.

I switched the screen on to a live telecast of the newest beast. It was set to destroy a part of New Mexico. Meaning the trip over from Hong Kong would be lengthy.

I prayed that meant something good. My mind immediately telling me no.

I wished with all my might that this would be over quickly. That my family would come back to hold the both of us. That we could all laugh after another one of Max's escapades into loving on the mini drones.

That my dad would give Chuck shit for being less skilled than he was at that age.

That my mom would shush him, kiss him and tell us all how much she loved us.

I closed my eyes and prayed.


It felt like hours had passed when the announcement was made that Romeo Blue, my parents' Jaeger had finally made it.

I sat at the edge of the bed staring at the screen. Waiting for more words. For something. Anything.

I felt a warm presence to my side and looked up at Chuck with tears in my eyes.

How could this be happening? We were just getting to some kind of normal since Lucie's passing.

I knew they weren't ready to go out again.

I didn't want to be alone.

I prayed this was a lazy kaiju.

I prayed for anything that made sense in my brain.

I felt colder for a moment and saw Chuck stand.

He went and picked up a crying Mira.

I hadn't even heard her.

We've just received confirmation...

Romeo Blue has been incapacitated by Fiend.

My breathing stopped.

Backup is still ten minutes out.

Red Typhoon is incoming.

Fiend has dismantled Romeo Blue's conpod.

We have lost contact...

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