Chapter Twenty: Did you come prepared?

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After busting into my room, kissing roughly and grabbing at each other's clothes- my heart skipped a beat.

The only man I had ever cared for in a real capacity- cared for me. Made some stupid mistakes, but came back with regret and an honest apology.

I held his face in my hands, looking into his. They were wide with lust and a little confusion at my sudden stop of our feverish advances.

"What's wrong, little one?"

I shook my head, looking at my feet. I could feel my heart thumping in my chest.

"Tell me. Please." His hands found my waist and pulled me closer in a warm embrace. He nuzzled my neck slightly when he spoke.

"Please don't be thinkin' about anything but right now. I can't change the past but I promise ya-"

I shook my head and brought my lips to his. I kissed him with everything in me. He kissed me back, just the same.

I soon began pulling up his cotton T-shirt, which he whipped across the room. His abs were defined and so warm to the touch. His stomach would jerk a little as I traced the muscles under my fingers.

He let out a small breathy laugh. "You too, darl'." He nodded to my shirt.

He pulled it off and ran his fingers down the v of my bra. Lightly touching my breast. He pulled at the back and it came undone quickly. His eyes were transfixed on my skin in the dull lighting.

"You're so perfect." He said slowly. "You're like a doll or somethin'...I don't want to mess you up..." he finished quietly, still lightly running his fingers over the sensitive skin on my chest.

I smiled, at least I wasn't the only one kind of nervous. "You won't." The air became charged.

I pushed him down onto my bed and began undoing his pants. He was soon laying there in just his boxers, looking up at me like he couldn't believe this was happening.

I pushed my pants down, giving him a smirk. "Have you come prepared, Hansen?"

His face blanked. Either from what he was seeing or the fact that he didn't even think about that one vital little detail.

"I...uhh...shit." He sat up, pissed. "I didn't plan on...ya know. And I'm not wantin' to be with anyone else..."

He rifled through his pants then threw them back on the floor. He flopped back into the bed with a big sigh. "Well damn."

I giggled, "Let me check Lucie's stuff. I'm sure she's got some... Blegh."

I gave a little shudder. Not who I want to be thinking about right now.

I went to the top drawer of her dresser and rifled through the underwear and t shirts in it. I came upon a khaki one with writing scribbled in the neck. I froze.

C Hansen.

I took a ragged breath. I guess this was not happening today.

Chuck came up behind me and placed his chin on my shoulder, looking at what I had.

"I'm so sorry..."

I let out a sarcastic chuckle. "You know what's so..." I threw my hands out in the air in frustration. "stupid yet completely ironic... I have one of your shirts in my underwear drawer, too... God. How pathetic and completely alike we are."

I trudged over to my own chest of drawers. I pulled the drawer out with more force than necessary and it came flying out. Scattering my crap all over the floor.

Chuck knelt down on the floor, still in his boxers. He began helping me pick up what went flying. He picked up a pink pair of panties and began fumbling with them, "Why ...uh, do ya have one of my shirts? Don't really take ya for a trophy keeper like your sister."

I looked up at him, blushing slightly. He already knew I had it. He already knew how I felt about him. Best get it all out there like the crazy hopeless romantic idiot I was now.

"It was when I first moved here from LA. When I saw you doing laundry. I was so mad and confused. But I knew how I felt about you."

I shifted back, sitting my butt on the floor, looking at the piles of clothing in front of me.

I sighed heavily. "I just wanted something of yours..."

A smirk tugged at his lips. "You wanted my shirt to snuggle in then? Sniff when ya missed me?" His eyes looked at me playfully.

I laughed, "I didn't think about it like that really... but yeah. Just a small piece of you even if I couldn't have you." I swallowed hard.

He crawled over to me on the floor. Once he reached me, he put his finger under my chin and guided it upwards, meeting his lips.

The tight little feeling I had in my chest eased. I had him now.

He eased me back onto the floor and began kissing my neck while he placed his body on mine. The weight and heat from his body sent a zing straight downwards.

God, how could a man do so much to me in the space of a second?

What began as playful pecks soon became heated and passionate. He grabbed at my hips, breasts and kissed me with his full body pushing into me.

He was all I could think of.

I could feel something pushing hard against my stomach, without thinking I softly ran a hand down it. This earned a groan that I would remember for the rest of my life.

"Little one, I love your hands on me and on god, do I want to be in you, but if ya keep on like that we might have a little one of our own nine months from now." He looked me in the eyes with an intensity that made my belly flip.

"I can't keep hold of myself ...for much longer, love." He said hoarsely.

He pulled back and looked down on me like he regretted saying those words. He ran his hand along the side of my face and pecked at my lips. "Let's get your stuff stowed away."

I nodded, feeling a little put out by the anticlimactic ending of the night. He held out his hand to help me off the floor. As soon as I was standing he pulled me into his arms, holding me close.

"I can't tell ya how happy I am that ya forgive me. I promise, Little One, I'm yours. Ever since I met you, I've wanted to be yours."

I smiled and pulled him in for another kiss to show him how I felt about him. The funny feeling melted away and replaced it with one of feeling whole. For the first time, someone had picked me and truly only wanted me.

He trudged over to his clothes and began putting them on slowly. Noticing me watching, he gave a bit more show than I assumed he normally did.

Watching him pull his pants up over his toned thighs...

I bit my lip.

God, he was gorgeous.

Once fully clothed he began plucking undies off the floor, shooting them at me to put away.

"I'm keeping these, by the way." He held up the little pink panties he had played with earlier. They were the sister pair to the ones I had on now.

He smirked and shoved them in his pocket. My mouth hung open. He just chuckled and continued on.

I soon began folding each shirt, checking for his name. Each one I came upon was too small and said R Blackwell in red embroidery thread. I paused.

Where was his shirt?

I flipped through them all again. Then again.

"I can't find your shirt..."

He looked up at me from where he stood at Lucie's dresser.

"Ya don't possibly think...?" He raised his eyebrow and nodded towards the top drawer.

I stomped over to her stuff and flung it around. Finding exactly what I was looking for.

"I'm going to kill her..."

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