Chapter Sixteen: Lines

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December 22, 2023

The next few days went over basically the same.

Hot and cold reactions from the crew

No sightings of The Handsome Idiot.

Well, more like the man I wanted to throttle in his sleep. Or make out with. Conflicting emotions suck!

Emmie began waiting for me before our shifts started to go over what we would be doing and ragging a bit on the grumpier crew members.

Carlo was doing well as Crew Chief, people were friendly towards him but still regarded him with respect. I'd seen him give Rodriguez hell once for being a jerk to that was fun.

Jack Kim was also a nice senior member of the team. He worked diligently to repair the Stryker's shoulder, finishing before the ankle team, actually.

I was logging spare parts back into the system when a hand clasped my shoulder. I turned and saw a tanned hand that belonged to Carlo.

He was smiling still. I doubt he ever frowned.

Well maybe over Lucie.

"Hey, Roo. How's it going this mornin?" He logged into his matrix and skimmed over the latest logs.

"Good, both joints are up and running but there seems to be a leak in one of the main lines. Not sure if it's transmission, drift or something else. Got pooling in Stryker's butt."

He chuckled. "Kim and his crew should have that figured out and done pretty quickly. You seen Rodriguez yet?"

I shook my head. That's why it had been such a nice shift so far. "Haven't seen him since your row yesterday."

He chewed his cheek. "He's getting really difficult lately. Says I'm too young to handle any of this and he should have been promoted."

He sighed and logged out of the system. "He can't even find the lead drift lines if you gave him the whole day. Come on, we can check the lines instead. Kim can do the dailies."

We started walking to the open lift, Carlo opening the gate for me to step in.

I chuckled. "Carlo, you've got this. Don't let some jerk get under your skin." I put my hand on his forearm and gave it a squeeze, smiling up at him.

He looked at me for a few beats as we headed to Stryker's cockpit, then smiled widely. "I musta been blind..." He muttered, looking down to his feet.

I looked at him confused, "What was that?" He shook his head. "Nothing. Just realized I've been an idiot. You ready to check the drift lines yourself? Did you do that with Sovereign?"

Someone had started yelling about something up in the cockpit of Stryker.

We both turned to see what the commotion was. I shook my head and turned back to Carlo.

"Jensen always did for us. Can you show me where everything is?" He nodded, throwing his hand towards Stryker's raised visor.

We walked on the gangplank to the large opening and hooked on two harnesses for safety. It was weird being on this end of getting a Jaeger ready.

We attached to a lead line and walked into the cockpit.

Unfortunately, it seems my lack of Rodriguez this shift had to be made up for, so standing at the back of the helm was Chuck Hansen, giving the dirtiest look towards Carlo and I as we stepped in.

"Nice ta see my Crew Chief finally. Too busy dallyin' with the pretty girls to get anythin' done?" He tone was pure venom.

Carlo raised an eyebrow. "Uh, well. Yes and no, I suppose. Chuck, meet my second in command, Ruby Ro- I mean Blackwell." He did his best Vana White impression.

"What do ya mean, second in command? She's a damned pilot." He looked at me with an intense gaze. "What's he talkin' 'bout, Little one?"

His use of his nickname made me pause.


"I was demoted. Lucie and I. I'm crew now and she's up in comms." I gestured vaguely towards LOCCENT.

He stared at me for a few moments. "Guess you'll be happy then. Can keep makin' eyes at each other while you work."

He slammed down a panel that he had apparently taken off the back wall.

"What are you going on about now, Chuck?"

Okay, I've had enough of people and their shit attitudes lately.

I. Was. Done.

He whirled on me. "You and your boyfriend there." He nodded towards Carlo. "You were all over him in the lift."

My mouth dropped open.

"Says the idiot who's hooking up with my sister! God, Chuck."

Chuck was about to reply when Carlo spoke.

"Chuck, we aren't like that. I already told you that. Now multiple times. I realize now I was the idiot who picked the wrong sister, but that's a recent development." He shrugged.

My mouth dropped open once more. What?!

Chuck's eyes looked like there was fire behind them. He was enraged. "What the hell are you talkin' about?"

Carlo shrugged again. "Guess you'll find out. Now I gotta get to work if you want this rig to work right."

He took my hand and led us to the panel Chuck had conveniently opened for him and began showing my how to check lines.

Chuck stood there fuming for awhile, watching us.

My hands trembled a little as I went through the large lines, opening new panels once we had combed through the previous one.

The whole exchange had me more rattled that losing my pilot position. My good friend and the Aussie I shared my first kiss with...

Chuck was acting jealous. But he had relations with my sister? Yuck.

Carlo said he had picked the wrong sister. And that Chuck would see exactly what he meant?

When exactly did I die and end up in some damn soap opera?!

Can a girl get a damn break?

Chuck had busied himself at the main matrix in Stryker's helm. Ignoring me with his jaw set tight.

Fortunately and unfortunately, I soon found the leaking line... eerie neon blue liquid leaked all over me once I pulled open a new panel.

Carlo laughed and helped me secure the line.

Chuck smirked seeing me drowning in the slime, "Guess Stryker got real excited for the new girl." Chuck muttered.

I swear, I'm going to send Sasha a damn love note from him and let Aleksis kick his ass.

Would serve him right.

God, I was confused.

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